The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Wilayat

The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of WilayatThe virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Wilayat

The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Wilayat

Your Vali (guardian) are just God, prophet and believers who perform prayers and in dip pay tithing.

Cause of revelation of the verse:

Narrated from Hakem hasakani in first volume of Al-tanzil one day a needy person entered the prophet mosque and asked for help, but no one gave anything to him. he raised his hands to the sky and said: <<God! You be witness that I asked for help in your mosque, but no one gave me anything.>> meanwhile, Imam Ali (AS) who were in the dip (stage of prayer) pointed to the ring which was in his hand. The needy person came closer and dislodged it from his finger and this verse was descended.

Shia interpretations like Tabarsi in third volume of Majma-ol-bayan, Toosi in third volume of  Al-tebyan, Tabatabayi in sixth volum of Al-mizan,… knew the cause of revelation of this verse as was mentioned.

Sheikh Mofid in Masar-ol-shia said the date of this event and descendence of Velayat (guardianship) is 24th of Z-el-hajje.

Qazi iji one of the sunni scholars in Al-mavaghef stipulated the agreement between interpreters in descendence  of this verse about Imam Ali (AS) and Mir Seyyed Sharif jarjani, Sad-ol-din taftazani in fifth volume of Sharh-ol-maghased and great scholar Helli in Sharh ejma has confirmed this agreement. Ibn-e-rostam tabari in Al-mostarshed f-el-emameh said Ali-ibn-e-abitaleb (AS) in the day of Shora obtained confess from people who were present that the verse has descended about him.

Other than Ahl-e bayt( family and children of prophet Mohammad PH) who introduced Imam Ali(AS) as the one who the verse has descended about like instances which Kolyni has mentioned in the first volume of Kafi  narrated from Imam Bagher(AS) and Imam Sadegh(AS), Hakem hasakani in first volume of Shavahed-ol-tanzil has narrated that from companions like Ibn-e abbas, Anas-ibn-e-malek and Meghdad too. Tabarani in Almojam-ol-kabir knew Aboo rafe madani who was from Ansar(helpers of Islam) as the narrator of this narration. Siyooti in the third volume of Al-dor-ol-mansoor among companions narrated from Ammar yaser and among followers narrated from Salamet-ibn-e-kahil. Ibn-e-timiye in the 12th volume of Tafsir-ol-kabir knew Aboozar ghaffari as the narrator of this hadith. In the fourth volume of Alquran-ol-azim by Ibn-e-abihatam, Atabet-ibn-e-hakim, in 10th volume of Tafsir jame-ol-bayan by Tabari, Saddi, in the second volume of Ahkam-ol-quran by Jesas, mojahed; all who were from followers are introduced as narrators of this hadith.

Ibn-e-shobe harrani in Tohaf-ol-oghool knew the hadiths associated to the cause of revelation of this verse correct. Aloosi in the third version of Rooh-ol-maani said: most of the sunnis accepted the cause of revelation of this verse as being about Imam Ali(AS).  The great scholar Tabatabayi in the sixth volume Al-mizan have written many of these hadiths and about their validity wrote: if all of the narrations about the cause of revelation of this verse  get ignored, all in all the interpretation of Quran should be ignored; because when we do not trust such many narrations how we can trust one or two narration which are narrated in interpreting other verses. He knew these narrations in agreement with Quran and said the great interpreters and narrators of hadith has narrated these hadiths and were not disagree with it and some of them like Ibn-e timiye who were disagree, have maximized animosity. Some of the Sunni narrator scholars who have narrated the cause of revelation of this verse are: Siyooti, Khozayb hendi, Ibn-e asaker, Ibn-e abihatam, Mohammad-ibn-e jarir tabari, Hafez nesai, Hafez abd-ol-razagh sanani, Ab-ol-ghasem tabarani, ibn-e jozi, Heithami,…

Of course Ibn-e timiye  in 7th volume of Menhah-ol-sana, Ibn-e kathir in third volume of Tafsir-ol-quran-ol-azim and Fakhr razi in Tafsir-ol-kabir supposed the hadith associated to this verse weak. Ibn-ol-jozi ,too, in first volume of Zad-ol-masir said in some sunni interpretations from Ebadat-ibn-e samet, Aboobakr and all of the muslims also were mentioned as the one who this verse is about. The group which suppose all of muslims as the cause of revelation of this verse supposed the meaning of Vali as friendship not guardianship.


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