Hadith about the fear of God

Hadith about the fear of God

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Hadith about the fear of God Hadith about the fear of God   1- قال النَّبِی (ص): رأسُ الحِكمَةِ مَخافَهُ اللّه ِ پیامبر (ص): سرآمد حكمت ترس از خداست بحار…
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Hadith of Imam Hossein about contentment

Hadith of Imam Hossein about contentment

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Hadith of Imam Hossein about contentment Hadith of Imam Hossein about contentment   1- مَن قَبِلَ عَطاءَكَ فقد أعانَكَ علَى الكَرَمِ كسى كه عطاى تو را بپذيرد در بخشندگى به…
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Hadiths about the condemnation of laziness

Hadiths about the condemnation of laziness

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Hadiths about the condemnation of laziness Hadiths about the condemnation of laziness 1- قال الأمیر المومنین (ع): آفةُ النُّجْحِ الكَسَلُ امام علی (ع): آفت موفقيت، تنبلى است Imam Ali(AS): the…
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Hadith about peace from Imam Hussain

Hadith about peace from Imam Hussain

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Hadith about peace from Imam Hussain Hadith about peace from Imam Hussain   1- لَوْ شَتَمَنى رَجُلٌ فى هذِهِ الاْذُنِ، وَ أَوْمى إلىَ الْيُمْنى، وَ اعْتَذَرَ لى فىِ الاْخْرى لَقَبِلْتُ…
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5 things that humans should benefit from

5 things that humans should benefit from

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5 things that humans should benefit from 5 things that humans should benefit from   1- خَمْسٌ مَنْ لَمْ تَكُنْ فِيهِ، لَمْ يَكُنْ فِيهِ كَثيرُ مُسْتَمْتَعٍ: اَلْعَقْلُ، وَالدّينُ وَالْأَدَبُ، وَالْحَياءُ،…
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Hadith about the certainty of appearance

Hadith about the certainty of appearance

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Hadith about the certainty of appearance Hadith about the certainty of appearance   ما كُنّا نَعْرِفُ الْمُنافِقِينَ عَلى عَهْدِ رَسُولِ اللّه ِ صلي الله عليه و آله اِلاّ بِبُغْضِهِمْ عـَليـّاً…
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Hadiths about envy

Hadiths about envy

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Hadiths about envy   Hadiths about envy   1- قال النَّبی(ص): لایَجتَمِعُ الحَسَدُ وَ الایمانُ فی قَلبِ امْرِیءٍ پیامبر اکرم (ص): حسد و ایمان (هرگز) در دل یک نفر با…
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