who is son of Man

who is son of Man

who is son of Man

who is son of Man

First part: who is “son of Man”?

Author: bishop David Benjamin

Translator: Fazl_o_lah Nik Ayin

The most glorious Quran introduces Christ (AS) who is the “son of Mary”, and holy Bibles also always refer to him as the “son of Mary” but the holy Bible which by luminous lines was painted on the Christ’s heart and was imparted orally to the twelve apostles and his students, alas! yet no time was passed, was contaminated to talks, myths, narrations and superstitious. First turned from “son of Man” to “son of Yousef” {Mathew bible, chapter, gospels 55 and 56, Mark bible, chapter 6, gospel 3 and chapter 3, gospel 31, Luke bible, chapter 2, gospel 48 and chapter 8, gospels 19 and 21, John bible, chapter 2, gospel 12 and chapter 7. Gospels 15 and 3 and several other parts in new testament} which had several sisters and brothers. And after that step by step various titles like “son of David” {Mathew bible, chapter 22, gospel 42, Mark bible, chapter 12, gospel 35, Luke bible, chapter 20, gospel 41 and several other parts in new testament}, “son of Man” {in sayings and sermons related to Christ (AS) in bibles, this title of son of Man was repeated 83 times} and “son of God” {Mathew bible. Chapter 14, gospel 32 and chapter 16, John bible chapter 11, gospel 27 and several other parts in new testament} and other general titles like “son” {John bible, chapter 5, gospels 19,21,23,24,26 and so on and in famous baptismal formula: Mathew bible, chapter 28, gospel 19 and John bible, chapter 1, gospel 34 and other parts}, “Christ” {Mathew bible, chapter 16, gospel 16 and Buford? In the missions of new testament} and “Lamb” {John bible, chapter 1, gospels 29,36 and repetitive in John revelation} was assigned to him.

Second part: who is “son of Man”?

Author: bishop David Benjamin

Translator: Fazl_o_lah Nik Ayin

Many years ago I was invited to take participate in a conference in Exeter Hall {Exeter Hall: famous hall for performing general speeches} in London and in the position of a bishop, want it or not, they guided me to a big speech hall where a young student of Medical field in a program related to Y.U.C.A {the young Christian organization} was speaking about the religious affairs. He was saying: ((I repeat what I have said many times: ((Christ or the one who is mentioned in bibles is the greatest liar and fake characteristic in the history!)) From that time until now I have never forgotten this epic theatrical speech. Of course the gist? of his affair was that he wanted to say whether Christ (AS) is the “son of Man” or a fictitious prophet. Therefore, if you accept the first hypothesis, you are Christian and advocate of trinity and if you accept the second on, you are an unbeliever Jews! And of course people like me who accept none of these binary ceremony, naturally are monotheist Muslim. We, the Muslims, cannot accept each of two titles which was given to Christ (AS), with the meaning and content that Christian churches and their holy secondhand and not valid books assign for them. Christ (AS) in being the “son of God” or “son of Man” is never alone and unique because if we would be allowed to call the God “Father”, so not only Christ (AS) but also all messengers and virtuous believers are “sons of God” and children of God. Therefore, if Christ (AS) really would be the son of steam Yousef and according to the information of bibles had 4 married brothers and sisters, why only he should have the strange title “son of Man” which all groups of human beings are common in it.



Third part: who is “son of Man”?

Author: bishop David Benjamin

Translator: Fazl_o_lah Nik Ayin

It seems that these Christian priests and bishops and juris consults and apologists in the subject of reasoning and contention are equipped with a kind of logic special to themselves and have tendency and inclination to these delusive. In their logic there is no need to syllogize, exact definition of words and expressions, determination of the topic and named and so on is felt. They have a wonderful capacity for expressing and accepting opposite dissonant incoherent issues and comments at the same time and swallow these kinds of things with appetite like soft boiled eggs. These stupendous people can believe at the same time that Mary was both virgin and defoliated, steam Yosef was both fiancée and familiar with marital issues husband, Jacob and Simeon and Judah were both Christ’s cousins and his brothers, Christ (AS) is both a perfect God and a perfect human being and finally “son of God”, “son of Man”, “lamb” and “son of David” all in all were a unique person! They are fed with the schools and philosophies which these misfit and incompatible words and expressions are their illustrators. They never ponder a moment and do not think that are worshiping which things; at the same time so worship God and cross as if they are kissing their brother’s killer’s dagger at the presence of their father! I don’t think among each two million Christian one has right thought and exact information from the origin and root and meaning and real significance of the expression “son of Man”. All Christian churches and their various exegetes, with no exception inform you that “son of God” himself because of his infinite modesty and humility accepted the title of “son of Man” or “Bernadette”! They never know that in holy Jews books which Christ (AS) and his apostles believed it with their heart and soul, the advent of a “son of Man” is predicted who absolutely is not tame and soft and humble and modest who at night have no place to sleep in bed and easily fall into the trap of malicious and infernal people and they catch and take and slaughter him; but also mentioned “son of Man” in holy books is a very powerful and authoritative and equipped with faith and power of God chivalrous who will disorder and destroy the dangerous buzzards and vultures gruesome animals and monsters who are busy with rending and tearing and eating  his sheep and lambs. Jews who heard Christ (As)’s sermon and his speeches about “son of Man”, knew well that he is referring to whom. Christ (AS) did not invent the name of “Bernadette” but also took it from the Jews holy books like Judah revelation book, prophet Enoch book, the collection of pervert prayers of Sibylline, the book of ascension of Moses, David messenger book and so on. We also to get a better understanding and more information about “son of Man” or “Bernadette”, in next parts will put the origin and root of this and the exact history of usage of it under the magnifier.








Fourth part: who is “son of Man”?

Author: bishop David Benjamin

Translator: Fazl_o_lah Nik Ayin

  1. First we claim that “son of Man” is the “last prophet” who has settled the kingdom of shalom(peace)” in the world and has saved the body of believers to almighty God from the devil idolater forces’ harassment and murder. The “Bernadette” title is a symbolic statement for distinguishing that savior of mankind from two specified groups: one is the community and creature of God that in these works because their being oppressed has got simulated to sinless and helpless” sheep” and other people of the world who are pictured under the leadership (again symbolic) of dangerous vultures and gruesome monsters and impure animals. God addresses almost always Prophet Ezekiel {the other form of it is Ezekiel} as “ibn_e_Adam” which means son of man or son of Adam and opposite of shepherd of sheep flock of children of israel. In this Bani israeli (israeli children) prophet’s book also there is such revelations. Prophet Ezekiel during his first dream that starts his prophetic book with it, in addition to seeing ruby color throne of eternal essence, was also witness of the advent of “son of Man” {old testament, Ezekiel prophet’s book, first chapter, verse 26: ((and above the sky which was above their heads, the appearance of a throne was like the show of a dark ruby and on that throne there was a ghost like mankind.))} This “son of man” who always is at the presence of God and above the place of cherubs, of course is not Ezekiel prophet {old testament, Ezekiel prophet’s book, chapter 10, verses 1-2: ((so I saw that on the sky that was above the cherubs, something like a throne of ruby color appeared. And to the man that was wearing cotton said: go among the wheels which are under the angles and pick a fist of coal and throw it on the city. That man did that in front of my eyes. This is the saying of Ezekiel prophet himself so cannot be himself.} He (that man) is the “Bernadette” prophet and the last messenger of God that has the mission to save the body of believers from the clutch of unbelievers on the Earth which means the planet earth nothing else!





Fifth part: who is “son of Man”?

Author: bishop David Benjamin

Translator: Fazl_o_lah Nik Ayin

  1. “son of Man” in the Enoch prophet revelation book {in the bible he is known as one of the four Christ (AS)’s brothers; Mathew bible, chapter 13, gospels 55-56 and other parts}

There is no doubt that Christ (AS) was very familiar with the Enoch prophet revelation book which is said to be the seventh ancestor of children of Adam after Adam. Because the “Jacob’s brother” and “Christ (AS)’s servant” and in other word “Christ (AS)’s brother” believes that Enoch prophet is the real author of the book that its name is taken from the name of that prophet. Now disordered parts of this book of wonderful revelations has remained in the Christian author’s works. This book has appeared long time before Photius period. But at the beginning of 19th century this great work has found among the “treasure of holy books” of Abyssinia’s church and by Dr. Dillmann {this book was also translated to English by an Irish bishop named Lorance} was translated from Amharic (Abyssinians’ language) to German; the translator has added very useful margents and explanation to the book. This book is divided into five chapters or “quandary volumes” and altogether includes one hundred and ten unequal chapters. In this book author describes the quality of falling of angles, their unfair and illegal relationships with girl mankind, the emergence of a race of ghoulish creatures (because of these mixtures) who are expert in innovation and invent various kinds of harmful sciences and skilled at deceit and falsification. Gradually badness and malignancy and nefarious increased to the degree that the powerful almighty God penalizes them through the “Noah’s flood” or the great flood. Enoch prophet describes the story of his two ascensions to sky and travel all around the earth planet which during them good character angles guided him and all wonders and secrets and strange which had seen during this travel. In the second part of the book that is allocated to description of “kingdom of peace”, “son of Man” seizes the collar of kings and sultans in the heat of their riotous life and nefarious luxuriousness and throws them in the steep of the hell {Enoch prophet revelations, chapter 46, verses4-8}. It seems that second part or volume is not by a unique author and the self-condemn and distorter fingerprint of “multiple Christianity” is obvious in it like a sun. The third part includes some concepts and very progressed and wonderful natural and astronomical trainings. The main part of the story is in the fourth and fifth parts which we will see as follows.




Fifth part: who is “son of Man”?

Author: bishop David Benjamin

Translator: Fazl_o_lah Nik Ayin

The 4th part or book includes prophetic revelations and dreams about the race of mankind from beginning until the Islamic period and the author called it “Christian ages” and meanwhile two stories or symbolic allegories about the animals explained the situation and condition of these ages: a male cow comes out of the earth and then a female young cow joins it and after sometime this female cow bears two calves which one of them is black and the other is red. The black calf attacks the red one and injures it and makes it to escape and then itself gets pair with another female cow and this female cow bears dozens of black cats until finally the grandmother cow leaves its children and goes to search the red cow and because never finds it anytime that a red cow appears from faraway, grandmother cow moans and screams and in doing so the black cows always are in search for red cows and their race because of the propagation multiplies and increases every day. Anyway, it is clear that meaning of this simple and clear animal allegory, is the story of Bani-Adam (children of Adam) which begins from Adam and Eve and Cain and able and Seth and gets to Jacob (israel) and his descendants and posterities are the “sheep flock” or “the chosen people of children of israel”. And the children of Esau the brother of Jacob, meaning the inhabitants of Edom are described as the “boar flock”. In the second story the sheep flock always is attacked and raped and harassed and killed by carnivore and blood thirsty vultures and animals until it gets to “Christian ages” and in these ages also dangerous animals and rams attack the sheep flock violently and only one brave “ram” among them fights with them every time and eventually “son of Man” who is the owner and lord and the true sheriff of the oppressed sheep flock, enters the battlefield to take his flock to the home of salvation.

Non-Muslim researchers and scientists never can explain or interpret the dream of a Sufi or observer. All of them take the story to the Maccabees {a tribe from the Jews tribes who with general being of the Jews Maccabee revolt against 4th Antiochus (164-175 B.C.), the Seleucid king and defeated him.} and kill king Antiochus Epiphanes in the middle of second century before birth of Christ and place the Jews Maccabee in the position of that savior but according to the report of prophet Enoch, that great savior, had a big and formidable mace in his hand and vailed it from right and left on the brute animals and birds and in makes a bundle from his slain in desert; the earth also gets open and swallows them and the remained of ferocious animals prefer to escape. Then swords share among the sheep and a white male cow guides them for perfect peace and healthy. The 5th book or part is allocated to religious and moral sermon. The exact examination of the whole book in its current version shows that it is written before year 110 B.C., its language is with pure Aramaic accent of that period and its author most likely is a Palestinian Jews and anyway mentioned guessing belongs to French encyclopedia authors.





Sixth part: who is “son of Man”?

Author: bishop David Benjamin

Translator: Fazl_o_lah Nik Ayin

But the most glorious, QURAN, mentions prophet Enoch by using his valuable title “Idris” {Idris is the Arabic version of the word “Derisha” in Aramaic and belongs to the instructional category of Devil which we mentioned before. Anyway Derisha is derived from the root of “Darash” which in Arabic is “Daras”, therefore Idris means “learned and literate and erudite”.}

In QURAN it is also mentioned:

«وَاذْكُرْ فِی الْكِتَابِ إِدْرِیسَ إِنَّهُ كَانَ صِدِّیقًا نَّبِیًّا. وَرَفَعْنَاهُ مَكَانًا عَلِیًّا»(سوره مریم، آیات 57 – 56)

(and reminisce Idris in the book because he is a very upright person and our prophet and we promoted his position)

It seems that Muslim interpreters such as Albeyzavi and Jalal_e_din knew that Idris has learned astronomy, mathematics and physics and he was the first person who has used the pen; they were aware of the meaning of the word “Idris” meaning “a very learned person” and it shows that the revelation of prophet Enoch book existed at their period.

After getting the “ark of holy Hebrew books” prepared around the 4th century B.C. by the “members of great synagogue” which held by Ozra and Nehmiah, all the religious and holy works and books and literature and so on which were not included in the ark or the treasure, Apocrypha was labeled “rejected and suspected” and in the Hebrew holy book which a council of Jews had handle to this, held under the chairmanship of righteous Simeon which in the 310 B.C. has died. Among the Apocrypha’s books the revelation books of prophet Enoch, Baruch, Moses, Ozra and Cyblaine book should be mentioned which all were written in periods of Maccabean empire and after destruction of Jerusalem (with the order of Titus). It seems that among the Jews wises it was common that under the name of their historical and famous persons write religious and “revelation” works. The mentioned revelation in the end of the new testament book also that has the name of “prophet Jonah” on itself, is not exception from this Jews-Christian old testament tradition. If the “Jonah brother of God” believed that “Enoch prophet” meaning “the “7th born after Adam” is the author of a book with 110 chapters under the name of historical prophet, shall not doubt that martyr Justin, Papias and Eusbius {Eusbius: “saint” Christian and Pop, was born 310 B.C. in Greece} also had believed in accuracy of writing books by Mathew and Jonah.







Seventh part: who is “son of Man”?

Author: bishop David Benjamin

Translator: Fazl_o_lah Nik Ayin

Anyway, my purpose is not to determine the accuracy degree of these writings or comment and interpret about the mysterious revelation books which are written in the hardest and saddest conditions in the history of Jews tribe; my purpose is to find the root and history of the title “son of Man” and put light on the real meaning of it.  In the prophet Enoch book also, same as church revelation books and four Bibles, there is a speech about the advent of “son of Man” who for saving God’s creatures from the enemies will come; in this book also the dream related to “son of Man” is mixed and disordered with the issue of “doomsday and resurrection day” and “final judgement”.

The author of the Cyblaine revelation which was written after the destruction of Jerusalem (by the Roman armies), writes: “son of Man” will come and will save the believers of the one God. This book was written at least 80 years after the ascension of Jesus Christ (AS).

Before, we explained meanwhile investigating the prophet Daniel’s dream about son of Man which is in the presence of powerful almighty God and gets equipped with the needed divine power for destroying the monster of Roman empire. And now it should be realized that in all dreams and revelations such as the Moses’s ascension book and Baruch and other’s book more or less similar comments and waiting are narrated and in all of them the great savior of the God’s creatures is called “Bernadette” or “son of Man” to differentiate and separate him from monster because son of Man is created in the work station of the light of God and monster is created in the work station of Devil’s dark room.





Eighth part: who is “son of Man”?

Author: bishop David Benjamin

Translator: Fazl_o_lah Nik Ayin

The mentioned “son of Man” in revelation books is not Jesus Christ (AS). This is the speech that this title son of Man absolutely cannot be used about the Christ son of Mary. In all null claims of these so called “holy Bibles” which in them they force the” lamb of Nazareth” to” seize the emirs and sultans’ collars in the heat of their riotous and luxuriousness and throw them in the steep of the hell” {prophet Enoch book, chapter46, verses 4-8}, there is no credit and legitimacy and their distance between that great prophet and son of Man who according to their claims should move with riders of angles, above the clouds toward the throne of eternal essence, is not less than the distance between earth planet and Jupiter planet. Jesus Christ (AS) same as any of prophets and saints of God can be a “son of Man” and a “Messiah” but never was the “Messiah” who Hebrew prophets and authors of revelations had predicted. Because if it was so, then Jews were totally rightful to do not recognize that title and mission about him. But denial of the prophecy position of Jesus Christ (AS) is not correct and is sinful and shedding his innocent blood- as Jews and Christian think- is a terrible crime. The name of “great synagogue council” after death of righteous Simeon in 310 B.C. turned to “Sanadim council” and the chairman of this famous council was known as “Nasi” meaning “chairman and emir”. And this is of wonder that the “Nasi” of a council which at the time of condemning Christ (AS) has said: ((it is better that one person be killed than the whole our tribe becomes annihilated.)), himself was a “prophet” and a great priest! {Jonah bible, chapter 11, gospels 50,51: ((Qiafa, the great priest, said do not you aware that it is necessary that a person for the sake of Jews tribe be killed in order not to the whole community becomes annihilated. He did not say these words by his side but also at that year was the chairman of Kahane and religiously ordered that Christ must die for the Jews tribe.))} and at the condition of accuracy of this report, it is not clear that how a prophet was unable of recognizing mission and the Christian feature in “promised Messiah”?

In following, the main reasons which show Jesus Christ (AS) was not “son of Man” and “promised Messiah” would be mentioned.


Read More

Description of Arafa prayer
Son of man in Bible
Hadith of Imam Hussain about cheerfulness




Ninth part: who is “son of Man”?

Author: bishop David Benjamin

Translator: Fazl_o_lah Nik Ayin

The prophets of God do not have the mission to predict about themselves in the position of future persons in history, or say we will resurrect and thus assume themselves the future hero of the history. Jacob predicted about the “messenger of Allah”; {old testament, genesis, chapter 49, verse 10} Moses (AS) said after him a prophet will come who would bring Law and advised Bani-israel (children of israel) to “obey” him. {Torah, numbers, chapter 18, gospel 15} Prophet Hajjai predicted the advent of Ahmad (PH); {old testament, prophet Malachi book, chapter 3, verse 1, chapter 4, verse 5} but never a prophet predicted that himself would come back to the world. Still the thing which about Christ (AS) seems strange is that some people want to unite Christ (AS) with son of Man in identity while Christ (AS) did not perform the most little stated and predicted missions about son of Man! It is claimed that it was announced to Jews under the subordination of Pilate, Roman ethnarch, that Christ (AS) is the promised son of Man and the promised son of Man told to Jews to pay toll to Caesar and then confessed that the promised son of Man does not have even a place to go to bed for rest and left the freedom of people from the Roman empire’s yoke to a not clear date in the future! These null claims seem that seemingly Christ (AS) was indeed joking with fate of a tribe. And virtually those who put these irrelevant, unintelligible and meaningless words in the Christ’s mouth, just show that do not have a little wisdom.

Jesus Christ (AS) knew better than anyone else in Bani israel (children of israel) that who is son of man and what is his mission. He should take back the throne from corrupt and nefarious and sponger emirs and sultans and throw them into the hell. In the “Baruch revelation” book and “Ozra revelation” book (four books of Esdras (29) in Latin version of Jerome) there is a speech about the advent of son of Man who would build the kingdom of “peace and health” on the ruinate of Roman empire. All of “Apocalyptic revelations” is at least illustrator of exactness of Jews thinking and waiting about the advent of last great savior that always called him son of Man and Messiah. Can it be said that Christ (AS), that great prophet and teacher was not familiar with his tribe’s religious literature, hopes, acute and burning waiting or was totally unaware of them?! Christ (AS) never could know those titles for himself because he was totally aware of their connotation in Jews tribe and in the view of great council of Jerusalem (Sanadim) and it is obvious that Christ (AS) did not knew himself son of Man or Messiah because he had no political plan, no social program and no practical mapping. And above all, he never introduced himself as son of Man or Messiah because he knew well that he is only proclaimer and harbinger of that promised son of Man and Messiah meaning Adon, the “victorious prophet” and the “anointed and crowned sultan of prophets”.






Tenth part: who is “son of Man”?

Author: bishop David Benjamin

Translator: Fazl_o_lah Nik Ayin

The exact investigation about the title of son of Man which totally mentioned 83 times meanwhile the speeches related to Christ(AS), just lead the mankind to draw one conclusion, and it is that Christ (AS) did not attach this title to himself. Mentioning some examples would proof that Christ (AS) has used that title for another person who would come in future:

  1. One of the Jews scribe and knowledgeable(Ahbar) who was a learned man tells to Christ (AS): O teacher! I follow you anywhere you go.>> And Christ (AS) tells him: “foxes have holes and birds have nests but son of Man has no place to sleep. {Mathew Bible, chapter 8, gospel 20} (and in next gospel of this bible Christ (AS) did not give the permission to one of his followers to go and bury his father! Why? God knows.) Anyway, how much you research, you will see that not even one of these saints, padres and interpreters of trinity church try a little and use their mind and get help from God-given wisdom and reasoning to discover the very clear and simple meaning which is hidden behind this answer of Christ (AS) to that Jews scribe even in its modern version. The problem is not place, if Christ (AS) had a place for himself and his twelve apostles, the existence of the 14th person did not make that much difference and more than that Christ (AS) could settle that rapturous and interested scribe among his 70 followers {Luke Bible, chapter 10, gospel 1}. But this is not the point. That scribe was not an illiterate fisherman same as the children of Zebedee and Jonah, he was man of science and trained expert of Law (and there is no reason to doubt about his honesty), he really thought that Christ (AS) is the promised son of Man and Messiah who can give the order of alarum to his divine army’s legions and lean to his ancestor’s throne, David (AS). Christ (AS) by his wit and prophetic understanding, guesses the wrong thought of the scribe and with a clear speech says the one who does not have a span of earth to go to bed and sleep, how can be that “powerful victorious son of Man”? Indeed, Christ (AS) says I have nothing and you that have read the holy books, know me as the son of Man?! No violent is seen in the words of Christ (AS) rather he benevolently saves that learned scribe from wasting time in following a null waiting.




Eleventh part: who is “son of Man”?

Author: bishop David Benjamin

Translator: Fazl_o_lah Nik Ayin

2.It is narrated that Christ (AS) has announced that “son of Man separates the sheep from goats like a shepherd.” {Mathew Bible, chapter 25, gospels 31-34} Of course we know that the intent of “sheep” is Bani-israel (children of israel) believers who will enter the eternal kingdom and of “goats” is unbeliever Jews who joined the enemies of real religion and consequently will strike to spiritual corruption and destruction. But the above sentence is exactly the one which in the prophet Enoch revelation book is mentioned about the son of Man. Indeed, Christ (AS) only confirmed that content of Enoch and gives divine aspect to it. Christ (AS) himself is apostled to preach the Bani-israel (children of israel) {Mathew Bible, chapter 15, gospel 24} to stay believer to powerful almighty God continuously and with tolerance and charity wait for the advent of son of Man, the messenger who will come to save them from the enemies forever. But Christ (AS) himself was not the son of Man and had not even a little of touch or connection with politics, fight and warfare and did not distinguished the queue of sheep and goats also and both groups (except a little of people who the light of faith shined to them, were confessor to the rightfulness of Christ (AS) and loved him by heart and soul) humiliated Christ (AS) and rejected him from themselves. {mentioning a point is necessary here: from indirect expressing love from masters of church to Christ (AS) is that they usually introduce Bryas as a killer and criminal (Bryas is the one who with the order of the foreign in boots ethnarch was condemned to execution and Jews shouted that “free him instead of Christ (AS). “) The explanation of this affair is- and it is aforesaid in valid histories- that Bryas was one of the leaders of Jews revolters against the dominion and colonization of Rome and in an armed sedition seemingly had killed a sergeant of empire. Indeed, it does not seem strange that Jews people knew persons like Bryas more similar to son of Man than peacekeeper Christ. Anyway, matter, as professor David says, is that Christ (AS) never had the mission to perform the Mohammadan full-scale actions and therefore the humiliation of Bryas assuming the ascension of Christ (AS) with proofing the iniquity and brutality of the present Jews in that historical scene, more than being unfair, is totally irrelevant.}




Twelfth part: who is “son of Man”?

Author: bishop David Benjamin

Translator: Fazl_o_lah Nik Ayin


3.It had been written that son of Man is the “God of Sabbath day” and in other words, he can cancel the law which according to it Saturday is the day of rest and ease from work and activity. We know that Christ (AS) was exact respectful of Sabbath day and always joined the temple and synagogue ceremony. He overtly ordered his followers to pray and ask God not to the national disaster of destroying the Jerusalem happen in Saturday. So how could Christ (AS) can claim to be the son of Man and “God of Sabbath day” while he himself same as any other Jews had respected it? How can he have the claim of that heroic and victorious title and predict the ruinate and destroying of huge place of worship and city of Jerusalem?

These examples and several other ones- that any resarcher is able to find them- show that Christ (AS) never attached the title “Bernadette” to himself rather always considered it to belong to the last powerful messenger of God: the messenger who would annul the Sabbath day, would save the oppressed “sheep” meaning faithful Jews and other underprivileged people, would kill and disorder the unbeliever Jews and non-Jews, would settle the kingdom of peace and shalom in the world and has announced with certain that the right religion and kingdom of God will shine thousand year of “final judgement” until the Kamsin day on Mankind.


Source of article: Benjamin, David; (1361) Mohammad (PH) in Torah and Bible, translation of Fazl_o_lah Nik Aien, Nashre no, first edition.

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