Virtues of Amirul Momineen (Verse of Purification of Parties)

Virtues of Amirul Momineen (Verse of Purification of Parties)

Virtues of Amirul Momineen (Verse of Purification of Parties)

Virtues of Amirul Momineen (Verse of Purification of Parties)


Part one


إِنَّمَا یُرِیدُ اللهُ لِیُذْهِبَ عَنْکُمُ الرِّجْسَ أَهْلَ الْبَیتِ وَ یُطَهِّرَکُمْ تَطْهِیراً

Sura Ahzab, verse 33



Verily God wants to take away impurity from you, Ahl-e-bayt(family of prophet Mohammad PH), and really make you pure.

Cause of revelation and expressing the verse:

Tarmazi in volume 5 of Sonan, Sadough in second volume of Maa’ni-ol-akhba’r, Tabari in volume 5 of Ja’me-ol-baya’n, Ibn-e-abi-ha’tam in volume 9 of Tafsir-ol-Quran-el-azim and many other Shia and Sunni scholars have told about this holy verse which is part of Sura Ahzab that it was revealed at Omm-e-salame’s (prophet Mohammad PH’s wife) house and at that moment in addition to prophet Mohammad PH, Imam Ali (AS)  Lady Fateme(SA) Imam Hasan(AS) and Imam Hussain(AS) were there too. At this moment, prophet Mohammad PH covered himself, Imam Ali (AS) Lady Fateme(SA) Imam Hasan(AS) and Imam Hussain(AS) with a khyberi piece of cloth (Kasa’) which he was sitting on and raised his hands to the sky and said: ((O God! My Ahl-e-bayt(family of prophet Mohammad PH) are these four persons. Pure them from any vice.)) Omm-e-salame (Prophet Mohammad PH’s wife) asked Prophet Mohammad PH: ((Am I one of the persons of Ahl-e-bayt(family of prophet Mohammad PH)?)) prophet Mohammad PH answered: ((you are one of prophets’ wives and you are in the (path of) goodness.)) Sheykh Tousi in volume 8 of Al-tebya’n said verse 33 of Sura Ahzab because of its second part is called Tathir(sanctification) verse and rationalizes chastity and purity of  Ahl-e-bayt(family of prophet Mohammad PH). Taba’taba’i in volume 16 of Tafsir al-mizan said according to this verse Ahl-e-bayt(family of prophet Mohammad PH) are protected from any void, whether in ideology or in deeds. He adds that holy phrase ((یریدالله)) (God wants) means genetic determination which is related to wanting of God in genetic worlds which is creation, not legislative determination which happens for deeds of creatures and is source of religious tasks which is for bounded (creatures). On the other hand, one of the persons of Ahl-e-bayt(family of prophet Mohammad PH) is prophet Mohammad PH himself and when he is impeccable it is meaningless that God require piety from him. So, the meaning of this verse would be that the most holy God constantly and permanently determines to allocate gift of chastity to you, Ahl-e-bayt(family of prophet Mohammad PH, in this way that remove false beliefs and the effect of bad deeds in you, and instead, give you a chastity which remains no trace of that false belief and bad deed in your hearts.

About the point that how Tathir(sanctification) verse rationalizes chastity and purity of  Ahl-e-bayt(family of prophet Mohammad PH), it is said:

The word ((انما)) (verily), as it was stipulated by philologists, is for preemption; so it shows that God determination is specially to purity of Ahl-e-bayt(family of prophet Mohammad PH).

The phrase ((عنکم)) (of you) got preeminence to the word ((الرجس)) (impurity), and according to Arabic grammar this preeminence, insists on this preemption and specialty.

The phrase ((یطهرکم)) (to make you pure) following ((لیذهب عنکم الرجس اهل البت)) (to take away impurity of you) also, is an emphasis on purity of Ahl-e-bayt(family of prophet Mohammad PH after taking impurities away of them.

The word ((تطهیرا)) (really pure) is an absolute object and another stress on purity of Ahl-e-bayt(family of prophet Mohammad PH.

((الرجس)) (Impurity) because came with type ((الف)) and ((لام)), includes any kind of rational and pragmatic impurity like: polytheism, infidelity, hypocrisy, ignorance and sin. In addition to this saying of Ra’zi in Sabil-ol-naja’t fi tatamet-ol-mora’jea’t, Taba’taba’I in volume 16 of Tafsir al-miza’n said such banishing in accordance with divine chastity that protects person from any false, whether in ideology or in deeds. Scholar Taba’taba’I believes that ((الرجس)) (Impurity) with ((ِ)) (Kasra) in ((ر)) and ((-ْ)) in ((ج)) is an adjective from the root of ((رجاست)) (impureness) which means vice. Vice is an aspect of human being’s spirit which forces him/her to avoidance and hatred; like the vice of wicked acts. As it is said in holy verse: (( وَ أَمَّا الَّذِينَ فِي قُلُوبِهِمْ مَرَضٌ فَزادَتْهُمْ رِجْساً إِلَى رِجْسِهِمْ وَ ماتُوا وَ هُمْ كافِرُونَ))

(But it has added more filth to the existing filth *124 of those whose hearts are suffering from the disease (of hypocrisy and they shall remain disbelievers up to their death) (Sura Al-tawba, verse 125). And also is an aspect in the appearance of filthy creature which again people hate it; like the filthy of pig which (God) says: ((أَوْ لَحْمَ خِنزِيرٍ فَإِنَّهُ رِجْسٌ )) (or blood spilled out or the flesh of swine – for indeed, it is impure.) (Sura Al-ana’m, verse 145). So this word with any meaning which it may has about human being means carnal understanding and liminal effect which comes from interest and attachment of heart to a false ideology or a bad deed. When we say ((impure person)), it means a person who because of attachment to a false ideology or a bad deed her/his heart got filthy. Sadough,too, in second volume of Maa’ni-ol-akhba’r wrote different meanings for the word ((الرجس)) (Impurity); like: sin, lewdness, devil, hypocrisy, doubt, grudge, greed, passion and heresy.

Ibn-e-mardouye isfahani in first volume of Mana’gheb Ali-ibn-e-abita’leb and Koufi in Tafsir for a’t have written that prophet Mohammad PH after reciting this verse stated: ((فَأَنَا وَ أَهْلُ بَیْتِی مُطَهَّرُونَ مِنَ الذُّنُوبِ)) (my Ahl-e-bayt(family of prophet Mohammad PH) and I are pure from sins). In first volume of Dala’e-ol-anbouh by Beyhaghi and in third volume of Amta’-ol-asma’ by Maghrizi, also, the almost same narration was narrated that prophet Mohammad PH stated: ((my Ahl-e-bayt(family of prophet Mohammad PH) and I are clean from sins.)) Imam Ali (AS), also, in the happening of Fadak with referring to this verse proves purity of Lady Fateme(SA) from sins.


Virtues of Amirul Momineen (Verse of Purification of Parties)

Part two


إِنَّمَا یُرِیدُ اللهُ لِیُذْهِبَ عَنْکُمُ الرِّجْسَ أَهْلَ الْبَیتِ وَ یُطَهِّرَکُمْ تَطْهِیراً

Sura Ahzab, verse 33



Verily God wants to take away impurity from you, Ahl-e-bayt(family of prophet Mohammad PH), and really make you pure.

Cause of revelation and expressing the verse:

Interpreters have disagreement about the meaning of this verse. These opinions can be divided in three groups:

First group: many companions like Anas-ibn-e-ma’lek, Abou-saied khodri, Omm-e-salame, A’yeshe, Sad-ibn-e-abivaghas, Abd-o-llah-ibn-e-jafar and Abd-o-llah-ibn-e-abbas believe that the meaning of Ahl-e-bayt(family of prophet Mohammad PH) are , Imam Ali (AS)  Lady Fateme(SA) Imam Hasan(AS) and Imam Hussain(AS). Ibn-e-atiye in third volume of Al-moharar-ol-vajiz, Ibn-e-kathir in third volume of Tafsir-ol-Quran, Shouka’ni in volume four of Fath-ol-qadir, Ibn-e-hakam in Tafsir-ol-habri, Tabarsi in volume 8 of Majma-ol-baya’n, Taba’taba’I in volume 16 of al-mizan,… have narrated these narrations and introduce this verse about persons under the Kasa’ (cloth which prophet PH was sitting on) and this is frequent among Shias. Koleyni in first volume of Al-ka’afi and Tabarsi in second volume of Al-ehteja’j with narrating from Shia Imams (AS) know Ahl-e-bayt(family of prophet Mohammad PH) as other Imams(AS) of Shia in addition to the five mentioned holy persons. Ahmad hanbal in volumes four and 6 of Mosnad have narrated from prophet Mohammad PH that the meaning of Tathir(sanctification) verse are Lady Fateme(SA), Imam Ali(AS) and their sons. He also in second volume of Faza’el-l-saha’be narrated that prophet Mohammad PH for 6 months when exiting to go for Morning Prayer, at the moment of reaching at the door of Lady Fateme(SA)’s house called: ((O Ahl-e-bayt(family of prophet Mohammad PH)! Prayer! Prayer! O Ahl-e-bayt(family of prophet Mohammad PH! God just wants to take away impurity from you, Ahl-e-bayt(family of prophet Mohammad PH), and really make you pure.)) Ibn-e-kathir dameshqi who is one of great Sunni scholars in volume 6 of Tafsir-ol-Quran in a narration from Imam Hasan (AS) wrote that he said on the pulpit: ((we are the Ahl-e-bayt(family of prophet Mohammad PH that God revealed Tathir(sanctification) verse about them.)) Also he narrated from Imam Sajjad(AS) that in response to Rad Sha’mi stated: ((we are the meaning of Ahl-e-bayt(family of prophet Mohammad PH).))



read more

The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Wilayat
Virtues of Imam Ali in verse 67 of Surah Ma’idah
Virtues of Imam Ali in verse 207 of Surah Baqarah


Virtues of Amirul Momineen (Verse of Purification of Parties)

part three


إِنَّمَا یُرِیدُ اللهُ لِیُذْهِبَ عَنْکُمُ الرِّجْسَ أَهْلَ الْبَیتِ وَ یُطَهِّرَکُمْ تَطْهِیراً

Sura Ahzab, verse 33



Verily God wants to take away impurity from you, Ahl-e-bayt(family of prophet Mohammad PH), and really make you pure.

Cause of revelation and expressing the verse:

Second group: Ibn-e-kathir in third volume of Tafsir-ol-Quran and Shouka’ni in volume four of Fath-ol-qadir have narrated from Akrame molay-e-ibn-e-abba’s and Moqatel-ibn-e-soleyma’n hadiths with this concept that because style of the verse is speaking about conditions of prophet Mohammad (PH)’s wives, so the meaning of Ahl-e-bayt are prophet Mohammad (PH)’s wives. Ghartabi in volume 14 of Al-ja’me-ol-Quran-el-karim to discredit this hypothesis says if the meaning are prophet Mohammad (PH)’s wives, ((عنکن)) (of you the women) instead of ((عنکم)) (of you the men) and ((یطهرکن)) instead of ((یطهرکم)) shall be used (due to Arabic grammar). Taba’taba’i in volume 16 of Al-miza’n said never it is correct to use man pronoun for women. He is agree with what Tabarsi has wrote in volume 8 of Majma-ol-baya’n in response to this question that how in this Sura among speaking about duties of prophet Mohammad (PH)’s wives a point is being said which is not related to them and says this way of speaking is famous among Arab fluent persons and in Quran we face many verses which are beside each other but speak of different topics and it can be used from narrations that this part was revealed separately but when gathering Quran they got put beside each other. Also it should be said that none of prophet Mohammad (PH)’s wives have claimed that I am included in Ahl-e-bayt(AS) and if it was so (specially in struggles which they had with each other) they would have yield to Tathir(sanctification) verse. Historians also have not recorded such claims.

Third group: Moslem in second volume of Sahih-e-moslem, Ibn-e-kathir in third volume of Tafsir-ol-Quran and Shouka’ni in volume four of Fath-ol-qadir in addition to deplore inclusion of verse toward prophet Mohammad (PH)’s wives narrate from Zeyd-ibn-e-arqam that the meaning of Ahl-e-bayt(AS) are the ones who God has forbidden giving alms to them and they are of close people to prophet Mohammad (PH), including Al-e-Ali(AS)(family of Ali AS), Al-e-Aqil(family of Aqil) and Al-e-Jafar-ibn-e-abita’leb(family of jafar-ibn-e-abita’leb) and the meaning of Tathir(sanctification), is making pure from taking and spending donation and alms.


Virtues of Amirul Momineen (Verse of Purification of Parties)

part four


إِنَّمَا یُرِیدُ اللهُ لِیُذْهِبَ عَنْکُمُ الرِّجْسَ أَهْلَ الْبَیتِ وَ یُطَهِّرَکُمْ تَطْهِیراً

Sura Ahzab, verse 33



Verily God wants to take away impurity from you, Ahl-e-bayt(family of prophet Mohammad PH), and really make you pure.

Cause of revelation and expressing the verse:

In the book Asra’r-e-a’l-e-Mohammad (PH) BY salim-ibn-e-qays and volume 12 of Tafsir Akl-e-bayt (AS) it is narrated from prophet Mohammad (PH) that he asked from Salma’n: ((do you know what is the meaning of Rejs(impurity)?)) Salma’n said: ((no.)) He stated: ((it is doubt. They never have doubt about what is from God. We are chaste (pure from any badness) from our birth and in our nature, since Adam (AS). Also in Maa’ni-ol-akhba’r by Sheykh sadough and volume 35 og Beha’r-ol-anva’r by Mjlesi it is narrated from Imam Sadeq(AS) that ((الرجس)) means doubt and we never have doubt about God(of righteousness and its religion). Koleyni in second volume of Osoul-ol-ka’fi narrated from Zara’re who narrated from Imam Baqer(AS) that we are not describable too; and how would be described people who God have taken away impurity which is doubt of them.

In first volume of Al-ehteja’j by Tabarsi, first volume of Elal-ol-shara’ye by Sadough and Nour-ol-thaqaleyn by Havizi it is narrated from prophet Mohammad (PH) about the cause of revelation of this verse:

((که إِنَّمَا نَزَلَتْ فِیَ وَ فِی أَخِی عَلِیٍ وَ فِی ابْنَتِی فَاطِمَهُ وَ فِی ابْنَیَّ وَ فِی تِسْعَهٌ مِنْ وُلْدِ الْحُسَیْنِ خَاصَّهً.

This verse was revealed just about me, my brother Ali, my daughter Fateme, my two sons Hasan and Hussain and nine persons of sons of Hussain.)) Also in volume 30 of Beha’r-ol-anva’r by Majlesi it is written that this holy verse is special to my dynasty and family and me and my brother Ali-ibn-e-abita’leb. Koleyni in first volume of Ka’fi has written a hadith which Imam Sadeq(AS) has narrated from prophet Mohammad (PH) that said: ((Ali(AS) is the master of believers and pillar of religion. He is the one who (after me) for the sake of righteousness will fight with people. Righteousness is with Ali (AS), with any method which he uses. I remain two things among you which if you use them you will not become stray. The book of God and my Ahl-e-bayt(family of prophet Mohammad PH). O people! Do listen that I made it heared by you and publicized it. You will meet me at the Kawthar pool, I will ask you about your deed toward Thaqaleyn. Thaqaleyn is the book of God and my Ahl-e-bayt(family of prophet Mohammad PH). So do not excel them that you will become destroyed and do not teach them since they are more learned than you.)) Then he (Imam Baqer AS) stated: ((with words of prophet Mohammad PH and the book which people were reading, the conclusive argument was told (there remained no excuse). prophet Mohammad (PH) constantly mentioned the superiorities of his Ahl-e-bayt(family of prophet Mohammad PH) who peace of God be upon them and by Quran made it clear to them. إِنَّمَا یُرِیدُ اللهُ لیُذْهِبَ عَنکُمُ الرِّجْسَ أَهْل البَیْتِ و یُطَهِّرَکُمْ تَطْهِیرًا.

In volume 29 of Beha’r-ol-anva’r by Majlesi it is narrated from Ibn-e-abba’s who narrated from Imam Ali (AS) that: ((O Ibn-e-abba’s! I am after he, prophet Mohammad (PH), more deserved for people than themselves for themselves! … Do you think they were prevented from (being with) me and they obeyed prophet Mohammad (PH)?! Swear to the God who hackled seed and created human beings and has entered the soul of prophet Mohammad (PH) in the paradise I got conjoined with prophet Mohammad (PH) in this verse:

إِنَّمَا یُرِیدُ اللهُ لیُذْهِبَ عَنکُمُ الرِّجْسَ أَهْل البَیْتِ و یُطَهِّرَکُمْ تَطْهِیرًا.


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