The virtues of Imam zaman in the verse Sura Zomar

The virtues of Imam zaman in the verse Sura Zomar

The virtues of Imam zaman in the verse Sura Zomar

The virtues of Imam zaman in the verse Sura Zomar and Realizing of relationship between Quran and Mahdism


وَأَشْرَقَتِ الْأَرْضُ بِنُورِ رَبِهَا وَوُضِعَ الْكِتَابُ وَجِيءَ بِالنِّبِیِینَ وَالشِّهَدَاءِ وَقُضِيَ بَیْنَهُمْ بِالْحَق وَهُمْ لَا یُظْلَمُو نَ


Sura Zomar, verse 69



The earth will shine with the light of its Lord, the record of deeds will be laid open, the prophets and the witnesses will be brought forth, and judgment will be passed between them with fairness, and they will not be wronged. (from Ravad tarjome institute)

Sura Zomar, verse 69

Explanation of the verse:

Huseyni shahabd-ol-azimi in volume 11 of Athna ashari interpretation knew the meaning of light in this verse, as justice and correct judgement and believes the reason of calling it as light, is because of advent of rights and elimination of darkness. He has written that adding the word “light” to the word “earth” is for the reason that because of spreading justice and setting the principles of justice and right judgement up, the arena of Doomsday will be decorated and enlightened. So it is said about the fair king that: اشرقت الآفاق بنور عدلک (the earth was enlightened with the light of your justice) and it is said about the oppressor king: اظلمت البلاد (the earth was darkened). Sheykh mofid has narrated from Imam Sadeq (AS) that stated: ((اذا قام قائمنا اشرقت الارض بنور ربِّها و استغنى العباد عن ضوء الشِّمس و ذهبت الظِّلمة. Which means when our Qaem (AJ) rises, the earth will be enlightened with the light of God of him and the servants wilk have no need to light of sun and darkness will be eliminated.))

Ali-ibn-e-ibrahim qomi in second volume of Qomi interpretation, Majlesi in volume 7 of Behar-ol-anvar, Arousi havizi in Noor-o-thaqaleyn interpretation, Seyyed Hashem bahrani in Al-borhan fi tafsir-el-Quran interpretation have narrated through Mofazal-ibn-e-omar from Imam Sadeq (AS) that stated about this verse: ((the meaning of رب الارض (Lord of the earth) is Imam of the earth. People told: when he comes out, what will happen? He stated: ((At that time, people will have no need light of sun and moon and they will find the light of Imam, sufficient.))

Majlesi in volume 51 of Behar-ol-anvar has narrated from Prophet (PH) that stated: ((my successors and inheritances, who are proofs of God among people after me, are 12 persons; the first of them is my brother and the last of them is my son. People told: O Prophet of God! Who is your brother? He stated: ((Ali-ibn-e-abitaleb (AS).)) they told: who is your son? He stated: ((my son is Mahdi, who God through him will fill the world with justice after it was filled with oppression. swear to the God who verily chose me, if just one day is remained from this world God will make it such long in order to my son, Mahdi, rises at that day. Then Jesus will come down from heaven and will say prayer behind him and the earth will be enlightened from light of God. The kingdom of Mahdi will become dominant over east and west of the world.))

Also in volume 52 of Behar-ol-anvar it has been written that Imam Reza (AS) was asked: O son of Prophet of God! Who is Qaem of Ahl-e-bayt (family of Prophet PH)? He stated: ((he is the forth son of my sons, who will be born from the master of maids of the world (and one of the best women of the world), and God through him will clean the earth from any oppress and crime. Qaem (AJ) is the one who people will have doubt in the very being born of him and he will stay absent before his advent and rise. When he comes out from the curtain of absence, the earth will be enlightened with light of God and he will bring justice for people. Qaem (AJ) is the one who the earth will twist, and he has no shadow. He is the one who at the moment of his rising, there would be a shout from the sky and they will introduce him to the people of the world and all of the people will hear the voice which invites to him and says: ((the proof of God advents in Beyt-o-llah-el-haram (and Kaba’); so obey him since right is with him and right is inside (in his soul).

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