The virtues of Imam zaman in the verse Sura Shaara

The virtues of Imam zaman in the verse Sura Shaara

The virtues of Imam zaman in the verse Sura Shaara

The virtues of Imam zaman in the verse Sura Shaara and Realizing of relationship between Quran and Mahdism


إِنْ نَشَأْ نُنَزِّلْ عَلَيْهِمْ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ آيَةً فَظَلَّتْ أَعْنَاقُهُمْ لَهَا خَاضِعِينَ


Sura Shaara, verse 4



If We willed, We could send down upon them a sign from the heaven, at which their necks would stay bowed in humility. (from Rovad tarjome institute)

Sura Shaara, verse 4

Explanation of the verse:

Seyyed Hashem bahrani in Al-borhan fi tafsir-el-Quran with five mediators narrated from   Mohammad-ibn-e-abbas who has narrated from Abou-basir that: I asked Imam Baqer (AS) about this verse; he stated: ((it has been revealed about Qaem from Al-e-Mohammad (PH) (family of Prophet Mohammad PH), who the caller will call him with name from heaven.))

Huseyni shahabd-ol-azimi in volume 9 of Athna ashari interpretation has narrated a Hadith from Imam Reza from Ekmal-o-din va etmam-o-nema which is written by Ibn-e-babouye, who is known as Sheykh Sadouq, which describes Qaem (AJ): ((قال و هو الّذى ينادى مناد من السّماء يسمعه جميع اهل الارض بالدّعاء اليه يقول الا انّ حجّة اللّه قد ظهرت عند بيت اللّه فاتّبعوه فان الحق معه و فيه و هو قول اللّه عزّ و جلّ ان نشأ ننزل عليهم من السّماء اية- الايه.)) (he stated: ((Qaem (AJ) is the one who the caller will call him from heaven, all of the people on the earth will hear the invitation to him; the caller says: be aware! Verily the proof of God’s advent is certainly happened near the house of God (Kaba’). So obey him, because the right is with him and it is obeying him and this is the word of God: “إِنْ نَشَأْ نُنَزِّلْ عَلَيْهِمْ مِنَ السَّماءِ آيَةً …” (If We willed, We could send down upon them a sign from the heaven)

Thaqafi tehrani in volume 4 of Ravan javid interpretation has written that: in some narrations from Imams (AS) the word آیه (sign) has been corresponded to certain signs of advent of Imam Mahdi (AJ); including: divine shout, stopping of sun at the midday and coming out of a face and chest of disk of sun, the call of the caller with universal voice. All of them are to give the good news of advent of Imam (AS) with the name and ancestry and the command to obey him, which there would remain no doubt for any one, and the enemies would become humble. The mentioned holy verse is being corresponded to this predicted event.

Seyyed Abd-ol-huseyn atyab-o-tebyan also, in volume 14 of atyab-o-tebyan interpretation has written that: many reports, more than 14 Hadiths is been narrated from Imams (AS), that the sign which will descend from heaven is the divine shout which will be heard before advent of Imam Zaman (AJ) and it is one of the signs of the advent [of Imam AS]. It is the same as overrunning of Sufyani, conceding in Bida, overrunning of Khorasani with black flags, the murder of pious person and things like that. In some reports it has been said that the caller is Imam Ali (AS) in sun spring and in some of them, Gabriel will call that: Qaem (AJ)’s advent happened with mentioning his name and ancestry until Imam Ali (AS). At the afternoon of the very same day, Devil will call and invite to Sufyani from Damascus. The Men of God with first call will pay attention to Mecca and the falsifiers will pay attention to Damascus and their life will be destroyed.

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