The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Nosrat

The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Nosrat

The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Nosrat

The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Nosrat

part 1


وَ إِنْ يُريدُوا أَنْ يَخْدَعُوكَ فَإِنَّ حَسْبَكَ اللهُ هُوَ الَّذي أَيَّدَكَ بِنَصْرِهِ وَ بِالْمُؤْمِنينَ

Sura Anfal, verse 62



Should they intend to deceive thee, – verily Allah sufficeth thee: He it is that hath strengthened thee with His aid and with [the company of] the believers. (from

Sura Anfal, verse 62


Cause of revelation and expressing the verse:

(The Cause of revelation and expressing the verse) is explaining the support of God for Prophet (PH) and the promise to him to help him through serendipity and assistance of believers against the betrayal and trick of enemies. This verse has been revealed after the command to be prepared for making peace in verse 61 of this Sura, for the sake of making Prophet (PH) calm.

Sheykh tousi, the author of Al-tebyan interpretation, and Hasan tabarsi, the author of Majma-ol-bayan interpretation, have known the meaning of believers in Nasr verse as Ansar (i.e. helpers; a group of companions of Prophet PH) and have known it as the opinion of the most of interpreters. But scholar Tabatabai, the author of Al-mizan-ol-maqsoud, has known the meaning of believers in this verse as the whole Mohajerin (i.e. immigrants; a group of companions of Prophet PH) and Ansar (i.e. helpers; a group of companions of Prophet PH) who have helped Prophet (PH).

In Naser makarem shirazi’s opinion the Cause of revelation of Nasr verse is not exclusive and it includes any believer who have assisted Prophet (PH); but there is no doubt that the most perfect instance of believers in this verse is Imam Ali (AS).

Scholar Helli in Nahj-ol-haq has called this verse, which is fortifying and strengthening Prophet (PH) with help from almighty God and believers, as Nasr verse and Makarem shirazi, in Ayat-e-velayat dar Quran, calls it as Nosrat verse. He writes in volume 7 of Nemoone interpretation about the content of this verse:

Nasr verse, after the peace verse (sura Anfal, verse 61), gives this certainty to Prophet (PH) that if acknowledged the conditions of suggested peace from enemies, do trust in God; because he hears any dialogues and is aware of everyone’s intentions and if with signing the peace covenant there is the possibility of deceit and betrayal from enemies, God will fortify him with serendipity and help of believers against tricks of enemies and will make him victorious. The next verse, Sura Anfal, verse 63, also reminds that the history of Prophet (PH)’s life is a proof for this truth that God has always fortified him through his (Allah’s) assistance and through pure believers.


The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Nosrat

part 2

And if they intend to deceive you, verily Allah sufficient you; he is the one who has strengthened you with his aid and with (the company of) the believers.

Sura Anfal, verse 62

Cause of revelation and expressing the verse:

Sheykh tousi, in volume 5 of Tafsir Al-tebyan, has knew the meaning of Believers in Nasr verse as Ansar (helpers who are Os and Khazraj) and has reminded the animosity and fight between Os and Khazraj.

Fazl-ibn-e-hasan tabarsi, the author of volume 4 of Majma-ol-bayan, has chosen this opinion and mentioned it as the opinion of most of interpreters.

Scholar Tabatabai, the author of volume 9 of Tafsir al-mizan, in the part about declarations of Ismaili has written that the meaning of Believers in this verse are all of the Muhajeran (immigrants) and Ansar (helpers) who have aided Prophet (PH).

According to a narration from Prophet Muhammad (PH), it is written on the divine heaven: “there is no God other than Allah and Muhammad is the Prophet of God. I has strengthened and aided him through Ali” and this is the very word of God that: “he is the one who has strengthened you with his aid and with (the company of) the believers.” This opinion is written by Khatib Baghdadi in History of Baghdad from Anas-ibn-e-malek and also by Siyouti in 4th volume of Al-dor-ol-manthour from Abou-horayre. Makarem shirazi also, has narrated this opinion from Abd-o-llah-ibn-e-abbas, Jaber-ibn-e-abd-o-llah Ansari and some of other companions of Prophet Muhammad (PH) in Ayat velayat dar Quran.

He continues that: this understanding is told upfront in many of the Sunni resources; including: Manaqeb by Movafaq-ibn-e-ahmad kharazmi, Kefayat-o-taleb by Mohammad-ibn-e-yousef ganji who is Shafiite, Zakhayer-ol-oqba fi manaqeb zav-el-qorba by Moheb-o-din tabari, Faraed-ol-samtin fi fazael-el-mortaza v-al-batoul v-al-sebtayn v-al-a’emat men zoriyatehem (AS) by Ibrahim-ibn-e-mohammad joveyni, one of the Sunni scholars.


The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Nosrat


Should they intend to deceive thee, – verily Allah sufficeth thee: He it is that hath strengthened thee with His aid and with [the company of] the believers. (from

Sura Anfal, verse 62


Cause of revelation and expressing the verse:

In Ayat velayat dar Quran by Makarem shirazi it has been written that although this verse does not directly portend to Imamate and Velayat (guardianship); but through attaching a rational introduction to it, this verse can be used for proving Imamate and Velayat (guardianship) of the Imam (AS). In elaboration on this claim and making the rational introduction clear, he has said Anas-ibn-e-malek narrated from Prophet (PH) that stated: ((when I was taken to ascension, I saw on the stem of heaven these sentences are written: “there is no God other than the unique God, Muhammad is Prophet and apostle of God, I has confirmed and assisted him through Ali.” The point that on the stem of divine heaven and beside the holy names of Allah and his Prophet (PH), the name of Ali (AS) is been written is a reason to the fact that Ali (AS) from the viewpoint of helping Prophet (PH) was the best of Muslims and this is usual if God wants to choose a succeed for his Prophet (PH), would consider the best Muslim for this purpose and if Muslims also want to choose a person, commonsense demands to refer to such a person. He finally draws conclusion that writing the name of Imam Ali (AS) on the divine heaven, is the sign of its importance and is a reason for the fact that Ali (AS) from the viewpoint of helping Prophet (PH) was the best of Muslims and Allah chooses the best Muslim to succeed his Prophet (PH).


The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Nosrat

part 4

And if they intend to deceive you, verily Allah sufficient you; he is the one who has strengthened you with his aid and with (the company of) the believers.

Sura Anfal, verse 62

Cause of revelation and expressing the verse:

Vahedi in Al-borhan fi tafsir-el-Quran narrated after 6 middlemen from Kalbi and kalbi narrated from Abou saleh and he narrated from Abou horeyre that: at the divine heaven has been written that:” انّا اللَّه لا اله الّا انا وحدى لاشریک لى، محمّد عبدى و رسولى، ایدته بعلىّ” (I am the unique God who there is no God other than me; there is no associate and coparcener for me and Muhammad is my servant and my Prophet and I have confirmed him through Ali.” Then this verse was revealed for this very purpose and the meaning of help in this verse is Imam Ali (AS). Abou naim in Helyat-ol-oliya also, narrated from Abou saleh who has narrated from Abou horeyre that: this verse has been revealed about Imam Ali (AS) and the meaning of “مومنین” (believers) in this verse is him. Mohammad-ibn-e-baqer mohaqeq also, in Nemoone bayanat narrated a similar narration from Abou horeyre to speak about the cause of revelation of these verses in the opinion of Sheykh tousi and other special and general interpreters. Mohsen qeraati in third volume of Noor interpretation have written the narration from Abou horeyre, who has narrated from Prophet (PH) from, by referring to a book by Ibn-e-asaker as so: ((on the divine heaven I been written:” لا اله الّا أنا وحدى لا شريك لى، محمّد عبدى و رسولى، ايّدته بعلىّ” (there is no God other than me, I have no associate and Muhammad is my servant and my apostle; I have assisted him through Ali (AS). And this is the very word of God that stated:” هُوَ الَّذي أَيَّدَكَ بِنَصْرِهِ وَ بِالْمُؤْمِنينَ” (And if they intend to deceive you, verily Allah sufficient you; he is the one who has strengthened you with his aid and with (the company of) the believers. And the help was Ali.))

This narration in also narrated in third volume of Al-dor-ol-manthour by Siyouti, volume 27 of Behar-ol-anvar by Majlesi,\ and  third volume of Ehqaq-ol-haq (which is the outcome of efforts of Seyyed Shahab-e-din marashi najafi and has been written in 30 volumes to elaborate on Ehqaq-ol-haq va ezhaq-al-batel by Qazi noor-o-llah shoushtari).


The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Nosrat

part 5

And if they intend to deceive you, verily Allah sufficient you; he is the one who has strengthened you with his aid and with (the company of) the believers.

Sura Anfal, verse 62

Cause of revelation and expressing the verse:

In volume 5 of Tafsir Ahl-e-bayt (AS), volume 19 of Behar-ol-anvar by Majlesi, first volume of Tafsir Qomi, Tafsir Al-borhan fi tafsir-el-Quran by Seyyed Hashem Bahrani and Tafsir Noor-o-thaqaleyn by Abd-e-ali-al-arousi-al-havizi it is narrated from Ali-ibn-e-ibrahim that: ((this verse is about Os and Khazraj.)) Majlesi in the same volume has narrated from Imam Baqer (AS) that stated: ((the meaning of Believers (in this verse) are Muslims who Prophet (PH) has consulted with them in the fight against Quresh in Badr war.)) Majlesi in volume 68 has again narrated from Imam Baqer (AS) that stated: ((the meaning of Believers (in this verse) are Muslims who (among) Quresh (people of Mecca) have accompanied Prophet (PH).)) in the same volume another narration has been narrated from Imam (AS) that stated: ((هوالذی ایدک (he is the one who has strengthened you) means he has strengthened you through Imam Ali (AS) (and Jafar, Hamze, Aghil).)) this narration has been narrated in Al-manaqeb by Kharazmi too.

But in volume 27 of Behar-ol-anvar, Al-amali by Sheykh sadough and first volume of Rozat-ol-vaezin va basirat-ol-motaezin by Fattal neyshabouri it has been narrated from Prophet Muhammad (PH) that stated: ((it is written on the heaven that: Verily I am God and there is no God other than me; I am the only and there is no partner for me and Muhammad is my servant and my Prophet. I have confirmed him through Ali.)) Then the honored and glorified God descended this verse: “هُوَ الَّذي أَيَّدَكَ بِنَصْرِهِ وَ بِالْمُؤْمِنينَhe is the one who has strengthened you with his aid and with (the company of) the believers.” The meaning of نصر (aid) is Ali (AS) and in its concept, the believers are also included. So it is said in both two meanings.)) This narration is similar to the narration which has been narrated by Abou-horayre.

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