Explaining “wisdom and guidance” to show the merit of Imam Ali (AS)


Explaining “wisdom and guidance” to show the merit of Imam Ali (AS)

Explaining “wisdom and guidance” to show the merit of Imam Ali (AS)


To give examples, these narrations can be mentioned:

  1. One day Salman farsi told: O Ali (AS)! Any time I went to Prophet (PH), he put his hand on my shoulder and stated: ((O Salman! This man (means Ali (AS) and his party (people) are saved.

Abd-o-llah-ibn-e-abbas was asked about this word of God: “آمنوا کما آمن الناس” (Believe like the people who have believed). Ibn-e-abbas told in response: ((they are Ali-ibn-e-abitaleb (AS), Jafar tayar, Hamze, Salman, Abouzar, Ammar, Meqdad, Hozayfat-ibn-e-yaman and people like them are the real believers.

It has been narrated from Ibn-e-abbas with a long chain of documents that said: ((what has been revealed in Quran specially about Prophet (PH), Ali (AS) and his Ahl-e-bayt (the family of Prophet Mohammad (PH); including: Lady Fateme (SA), Imam Ali (AS), Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS)) is this holy verse: “و بشرالذین آمنوا و عملوالصالحات” (And give good news to those who have faith and do righteous deeds) which has been revealed about Ali (AS), Hamze, Jafar tayar and Obaydat-ibn-e-hareth-ibn-e-abd-ol-motaleb.

  1. The almighty God stated: “انی جاعل فی الارض خلیفه” (Indeed I am going to set a viceroy on the earth. Translated by Qarai) the question which raises here is that who are these successors and chosen ones? There is a narration from Abd-llah-ibn-e-masoud that: in Quran, succession from God has happened for three persons: first; succession for Adam (AS), second; succession for David (AS) and third; succession for the lord of virtues, Imam Ali (AS). According to the verse “لیستخلفنهم فی الارض کمااستخلف الذین من قبلهم” (He will, of a surety, grant them in the land, inheritance (of power), as He granted it to those before them. Translated by Yusufali) Imam Ali (AS) is the successor of God on the earth like that two persons (Adam AS and David AS).

It has been narrated from Salman farsi that told: one day I was with Prophet Mohammad (PH); he stated: ((O people! Do know that my executor and successor and the best person who after me can pay my debt perform my promise, is my cousin, Ali-ibn-e-abitaleb.))

  1. Imam Ali (AS) stated: ((I heard from Prophet Mohammad (PH) that stated: ((anyone who likes to enter the savior boat, take the strong handle of and take the firm string of God, do confirm the velayat (guardianship) of Ali (AS) and Imamate of his children in order not be strayed.))

In Ohod war; which because of ignorance, some of Muslims were murdered and someof them got injured, the pagans left the battle field and went to Mecca. Prophet Mohammad (PH) called Ali (AS) while he was injured and ordered he and a group of Khazraj tribe to chase the pagans of Mecca. Ali (AS) and the people with him chased them city to city and they escaped to Mecca. At this moment, the praised God to thank of what Ali (AS) and the persons with him have done, revealed the verse “الذین استجابوا لله و الرسول من بعد ما اصابهم القرح” (Those who responded to Allah and the Apostle [even] after they had been wounded. Translated by Qarai.) on his Prophet (PH).

  1. Amer-ibn-e-mofazal taghalobi have said: one day I went to Hasan-ibn-e-saleh and I asked about many issues. In response to any issue, he told: the wisest of wises, Ali-ibn-e-abitaleb (AS) has stated such and answered this way; which means he had a lot of wisdom and knowledge that could answer any issue and never became distressed.

Again Amer narrated: one day where Rabi-ibn-e-kheytham was present there happened remind of Imam Ali (AS). He sighed and told: you reminded of a person who his friends and lovers have loved him a lot and his enemies also, had fierce rancor to him. Then he told: O people! I saw no one similar to Ali (AS) in wisdom. Then he recited the verse “و من یوت الحکمه فقد اوتی خیرا کثیرا” (and he, who is given wisdom, is certainly given an abundant good. Translated by Qarai) people told: O rabi! You are exaggerating about Ali of course. Although, people did not understand what they are saying and left him.

  1. Shabi have narrated: we were a group in Basra who went to Hajaj-ibn-e-yousef. Hasan basri was the last person who entered the meeting. Hajaj-ibn-e-yousef constantly reproached about Ali (AS) and told bad things about him. All of us accompanied him out of fear and to beware from evil of him. Hasan was silent and did not tell a word. Hajaj-ibn-e-yousef asked: O Aba saied! Why are you silent? Tell something about Abou torab (One of the titles of Imam Ali AS) in order to I know what is your opinion? Hasan told: the almighty God stated: ((Ali (AS) is one of the persons who the almighty God has guided him and made him as one of the persons who has faith and certainty.)) he is the cousin of Prophet of God (PH), the husband of his daughter and the most lovely person to Prophet of God (PH). He has admirable records and numerous superiorities which not you and not anyone else can reject or prohibit those superiorities.

One of the companions (of Prophet PH) has narrated: one day I was sitting with Prophet (PH). A person asked about knowledge and wisdom of Ali (AS). He stated: ((do know that wisdom has been shared into ten parts; nine part of it, is given to Ali-ibn-e-abitaleb and one part remained is given to other people.))

  1. Prophet Mohammad (PH) have known the knowledge of Imam Ali (AS) similar to Adam (AS). One of the companions (of Prophet PH) has narrated: we were sitting with Prophet (PH) with some of people; the very moment that Ali (AS) entered the meeting, Prophet Mohammad (PH) got happy by seeing him and stated: ((anyone who wants to see the knowledge of Adam (AS) and understanding of Noah (AS) and tolerance of Ibrahim (AS), can see Ali-ibn-e-abitaleb.))

There are 4 worthy and significant characteristics for Imam Ali (AS) which are not mentioned for anyone else; including: Ali (AS) is the first person among Arabs and non-Arabs who said prayer with Prophet Mohammad (PH). Ali (AS) is the only person who took the flag of Prophet Mohammad (PH) in all of wars victoriously. In Ohod war, the only person who did not leave Prophet Mohammad (PH) and did not escaped was Ali (AS). Ali (AS) was the only companion who washed Prophet Mohammad (PH) (ceremonially) and put him in the tomb.

  1. The almighty God stated: “انی جاعل فی الارض خلیفه (Indeed I am going to set a viceroy on the earth. Translated by Qarai)) Sura Baqare, verse 30) the question is that, who are these successors and chosen ones? A narration has been narrated from Abd-llah-ibn-e-masoud that said: in Quran, succession from God has happened for three persons: first; succession for Adam (AS), second; succession for David (AS) and third; succession for the lord of virtues, Imam Ali (AS). According to the verse “لیستخلفنهم فی الارض کمااستخلف الذین من قبلهم” (He will, of a surety, grant them in the land, inheritance (of power), as He granted it to those before them. Translated by Yusufali) Imam Ali (AS) is the successor of God on the earth like that two persons (Adam AS and David AS).


  1. Abd-o-llah-ibn-e-abbas the student to learn interpretation of Imam Ali (AS) was asked about the interpretation of the verse “ذلک الکتاب لا ریب فیه هدی للمتقین” (This is the Scripture whereof there is no doubt, a guidance unto those who ward off (evil). Translated by Pickthall). He said in response: ((there is no doubt that Quran is from the merciful God and there are guidance and light in it for virtues. And do know that, Ali-ibn-e-abitaleb (AS) who did not become polytheist even for a wink of eye, did not worshiped idol and performed the pure worship for praised God is one of the virtues. He and his real Shias will enter paradise with no account.
  2. Jaber-ibn-e-abd-o-llah Ansari said: I heard from Prophet Mohammad (PH) that stated: ((search for your guidance and for your desired things with light of Sun. if sun got absent, find guidance with the moon. If moon got absent, through Venus find the way. If Venus got absent, search guidance through pointers. People asked: O Prophet of God! We do not recognize sun, moon, Venus and pointers; please elaborate on them to know who are they? He stated: ((I am the sun of guidance, Ali is world-illuminating moon, Fateme is the bright star in the dark sky and Hasan and Hussain are pointers of this world.))

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