The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Etaam

The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Etaam

The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Etaam


يُوفُونَ بِالنَّذْرِ وَ يَخافُونَ يَوْماً كانَ شَرُّهُ مُسْتَطِيراً «7» وَ يُطْعِمُونَ الطَّعامَ عَلى‌ حُبِّهِ مِسْكِيناً وَ يَتِيماً وَ أَسِيراً «8» إِنَّما نُطْعِمُكُمْ لِوَجْهِ اللَّهِ لا نُرِيدُ مِنْكُمْ جَزاءً وَ لا شُكُوراً «9» إِنَّا نَخافُ مِنْ رَبِّنا يَوْماً عَبُوساً قَمْطَرِيراً «10»

sura Ensan, Vesrses 7-10


They (are those who) fulfil (their) vows, and they fear a Day whose evil will be wide-spreading. (7) And they give food, in spite of their love for it (or for the love of Him), to the Miskîn (the poor), the orphan, and the captive. (8) (Saying): “We feed you seeking Allah’s Countenance only. We wish for no reward, nor thanks from you. (9) Verily, We fear from our Lord a Day, hard and distressful, that will make the faces look horrible (from extreme dislike to it). (10) (By Taqiy-o-din Helali and Mohsen khan)


part 1

Cause of revelation:

Husseyni shah abd-ol-azimi in volume 13 of Athna ashari interpretation has written that in the opinion of Ahl-e-haq, unanimously, and most of Sunnies these verses have descended about Imam Ali (AS) and Lady Fateme (SA) and Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS) and their servant, Fezze. He narrated the cause of revelation in the way which Sunnies say from Thalabi interpretation with some changes as follows:

Once upon a time, Hasan and Hussain (AS) became sick. Prophet (PH) and a group of companions went to visit them. (Prophet (PH)) ordered: ((O Ab-al-hasan (Imam Ali (AS) make a vow for these two children in; may God cure them.)) so Imam (AS) made a vow that if they be cured I will fast three days. When Imam (AS) made that vow, Hasan and Hussain (AS), Lady Fateme (SA) and their servant, Fezze, accepted. When the exalted God cured them, they decided to do their vow. There were no food in the home. So Imam (AS) went to Jewish Shamoun and stated: ((can you give me some wool in order to daughter of Prophet (PH) spin it for you and you for its wage, give me three Sa’ (old measure) of oat?)) Shamoun accepted. He gave three Sa’ (old measure) of oat with wool. Imam (AS) brought it to home. Ahl-e-bayt (the family of Prophet Mohammad PH: Imam Ali (AS), Lady Fateme (SA) and their children. Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS) started doing the vow. Lady Fateme at first day, baked five loaves of bread. When they did evening prayer, they wanted to eat Iftar (eatig to break the fast).  A voice has been heared: ((Al-salam alaykum O Ahl-e-bayt (the family of Prophet Mohammad PH: Imam Ali (AS), Lady Fateme (SA) and their children. Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS).) of Prophet (PH)!)) of Prophet Mohammad (PH)! I am poor, needy and hungry. Give me some food, may God give you the joy of paradise foods. Then master of generous (people) (Imam Ali AS) donated his loaf of bread to him; the rest of family, entirely, followed his deed and gave their loaves of bread to him (the poor) and themselves, drank water instead of eating Iftar (eatig to break the fast).

The second day Lady Fateme (SA) baked five loaves of bread. At the moment of Iftar (eatig to break the fast), again there was a voice: ((O Ahl-e-bayt (the family of Prophet Mohammad PH: Imam Ali (AS), Lady Fateme (SA) and their children. Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS).) of Prophet (PH)!)) of Prophet Mohammad (PH)! There is an orphan in your home, who has no food. Give me some food.)) Imam Ali (AS) gave his loaf of bread, the others complied with him and broke their fast with water.

The third day too, Lady Fateme (SA) baked five loaves of bread. When eating Iftar (eating to break the fast), it has been heard that: ((I am a captive. Give me some food; may God bestow you from paradise foods. Imam Ali (AS) gave his loaf of bread. Ahl-e-bayt (the family of Prophet Mohammad PH: Imam Ali (AS), Lady Fateme (SA) and their children. Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS) and Fezze also complied with him and drank water instead of eating Iftar (eatig to break the fast).

The fourth day, Imam Ali (AS) took the hands of Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS), went to Prophet (PH), while the two ), Lady Fateme (SA)’s apple of eyes were shaking due to hunger and weakness. Prophet (PH) came to Lady Fateme (SA)’s house. The holy woman was worshiping in the area for praying, while because of hunger she has become skinny. When Prophet (PH) saw that condition, sighed: ((وا غوثاه يا اللّه اهل بيت محمّد يموتون جوعا)) (God may come to family of Mohammad (PH)’s rescue that it is soon to die from hunger). So Gabriel came down and brought the Sura which starts with (هل اتی).


The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Etaam


Mohsen Qeraati in volume 10 of Noor interpretation wrote that according to some narrations, feeding the poor and the captive and the orphan has happened in one single nightbut in most of the sources it is narrated to happen in three successive nights. He through narrating from second volume of Borhan interpretation by Mahasen barqi believes that the meaning of ((يُطْعِمُونَ الطَّعامَ عَلى‌ حُبِّهِ)) is that while Ahl-e-bayt (the family of Prophet Mohammad PH: Imam Ali (AS), Lady Fateme (SA) and their children. Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS).) liked that food, they gave it to others. As so in another part of Quran it is said: ((لَنْ تَنالُوا الْبِرَّ حَتَّى تُنْفِقُوا مِمَّا تُحِبُّونَ)). The writer of Al-mizan interpretation said: ((the affection of Ahl-e-bayt (the family of Prophet Mohammad PH: Imam Ali (AS), Lady Fateme (SA) and their children. Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS).) to God came in next verse where they say: ((إِنَّما نُطْعِمُكُمْ لِوَجْهِ اللَّهِ)), and the meaning of ((علی حبه)) is liking food which in this way, more than sincerity their abnegation is been proved.

Parvin Etesami (a famous Iranian poet) wrote about sincerity in donation:

A great person gave one Dirham to a beggar

(Said) that: ((when praying, remember me))

One person laughed and said: ((this few Dirham

Does not worth this buying and selling))

Never do vaunt with obedience (of God)

Do not cover your heart (which causes not to see the light of God) with face and hypocrisy

You do good deeds to the poor and indigent

The good deeds, themselves, causes praying (for you)

O Parvin! When endowment and donation

There should not be in your heart, anyone but God

The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Etaam

part 3

The owners of Roz-ol-janan from special (ones) and Kashf-ol-asrar from common (ones) according to a narration from Mojahed and Ibn-e-abbas and Abou saleh  say that these verse  are descended about Imam Ali (AS) and his great family, Lady Fateme (SA) and Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS); with this explanation that Hasan and Hussain became sick. Prophet (PH) along with some of his companions and great people of Arab came to visit them. Prophet (PH) stated: ((O Ali! If you make a vow, you will find the hope to cure of them. Ali (AS) and Fateme (SA) made a vow to fast three days and the one who joined them in this vow, was Fezze, their servant. God cured Hasan and Hussain (AS) and they have done their vow. The first day they fasted, the first night they had nothing to break their fast with. Imam (AS) borrowed three sa’ (old measure) oat from a Kheyberi Jewish who was called Shamo’un. Fateme (SA) with assistance of Fezze pounded it and baked bread. At the moment of eating Iftar (eatig to break the fast) after sunset prayer, a poor (person) came to them and said: ((salam alaykum O Ahl-e-bayt (the family of Prophet Mohammad PH: Imam Ali (AS), Lady Fateme (SA) and their children. Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS).) of Prophet (PH)!)) then he told of his hunger. Ali (AS) and Fateme (SA) gave their food to the mentioned poor (person). They fasted the second day in the same way. At the moment of eating Iftar (eatig to break the fast) an orphan, who was the child of one of martyred immigrants (for helping Islam) came to their home and said: ((salam alaykum O Ahl-e-bayt (the family of Prophet Mohammad PH: Imam Ali (AS), Lady Fateme (SA) and their children. Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS).) of Prophet Mohammad (PH)! I am one of the orphans from orphans of immigrants (for helping Islam). My father got martyred. Feed me to eat enough food. Again, Ali (AS) and Fateme (SA) gave their entire food to the orphan. The third day they fasted too. Again, at the moment of eating Iftar (eatig to break the fast) a captive came to their home and said: ((O Ahl-e-bayt (the family of Prophet Mohammad PH: Imam Ali (AS), Lady Fateme (SA) and their children. Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS).) of Prophet (PH)!)) of Prophet of God! I am a captive from the captives and I am hungry; give me enough food. They gave their food that night too and themselves broke their fast with water. The fourth day with severe weakness, they went to Prophet of God (PH). When Prophet (PH) saw them, cried and God descended these verses about them. And also it is said that:  Prophet (PH) stated: ((واغوثاه من اهل بیت محمد یموتون من الجوع)) which means God may come to family of Mohammad (PH)’s rescue that it is soon to die from hunger.)) and also Vahedi, who is one of common interpreters, Abou hamze thomali and Ali-ibn-e-ibrahim in their interpretations with different words have narrated the cause of revelation of these verses about Imam Ali (AS), Lady Fateme (SA) and Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS). Sheikh mofid in his Ekhtesas and also the owner of Borhan interpretation too, narrated from Ibn-e-babouye the cause of revelation of these verses about Ahl-e-bayt (the family of Prophet Mohammad PH: Imam Ali (AS), Lady Fateme (SA) and their children. Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS).) of Prophet (PH)!)) of Prophet of God (PH) in the same way of above mentioned sayings. Tabari, the owner of Jame-ol-bayan, who is one of common interpreters, about the 8th verse said: ((Prophet (PH) never took captive a Muslim and this verse has been descended about pagan captives that Prophet (PH) commanded to compromise with them.)) and some of learned men (of Islam) insist on that this Sura has been descended in Mecca and they want to deny the descending of these verses about immaculate and pure Ahl-e-bayt (the family of Prophet Mohammad PH: Imam Ali (AS).



The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Etaam

part 4

The owners of Roz-ol-janan from special (ones) and Kashf-ol-asrar from common (ones) according to a narration from Mojahed and Ibn-e-abbas and Abou saleh  say that these verse  are descended about Imam Ali (AS) and his great family, Lady Fateme (SA) and Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS); with this explanation that Hasan and Hussain became sick. Prophet (PH) along with some of his companions and great people of Arab came to visit them. Prophet (PH) stated: ((O Ali! If you make a vow, you will find the hope to cure of them. Ali (AS) and Fateme (SA) made a vow to fast three days and the one who joined them in this vow, was Fezze, their servant. God cured Hasan and Hussain (AS) and they have done their vow. The first day they fasted, the first night they had nothing to break their fast with. Imam (AS) borrowed three sa’ (old measure) oat from a Kheyberi Jewish who was called Shamo’un. Fateme (SA) with assistance of Fezze pounded it and baked bread. At the moment of eating Iftar (eatig to break the fast) after sunset prayer, a poor (person) came to them and said: ((salam alaykum O Ahl-e-bayt (the family of Prophet Mohammad PH: Imam Ali (AS), Lady Fateme (SA) and their children. Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS).) of Prophet (PH)!)) then he told of his hunger. Ali (AS) and Fateme (SA) gave their food to the mentioned poor (person). They fasted the second day in the same way. At the moment of eating Iftar (eatig to break the fast) an orphan, who was the child of one of martyred immigrants (for helping Islam) came to their home and said: ((salam alaykum O Ahl-e-bayt (the family of Prophet Mohammad PH: Imam Ali (AS), Lady Fateme (SA) and their children. Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS).) of Prophet Mohammad (PH)! I am one of the orphans from orphans of immigrants (for helping Islam). My father got martyred. Feed me to eat enough food. Again, Ali (AS) and Fateme (SA) gave their entire food to the orphan. The third day they fasted too. Again, at the moment of eating Iftar (eatig to break the fast) a captive came to their home and said: ((O Ahl-e-bayt (the family of Prophet Mohammad PH: Imam Ali (AS), Lady Fateme (SA) and their children. Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS).) of Prophet (PH)!)) of Prophet of God! I am a captive from the captives and I am hungry; give me enough food. They gave their food that night too and themselves broke their fast with water. The fourth day with severe weakness, they went to Prophet of God (PH). When Prophet (PH) saw them, cried and God descended these verses about them. And also it is said that:  Prophet (PH) stated: ((واغوثاه من اهل بیت محمد یموتون من الجوع)) which means God may come to family of Mohammad (PH)’s rescue that it is soon to die from hunger.)) and also Vahedi, who is one of common interpreters, Abou hamze thomali and Ali-ibn-e-ibrahim in their interpretations with different words have narrated the cause of revelation of these verses about Imam Ali (AS), Lady Fateme (SA) and Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS). Sheikh mofid in his Ekhtesas and also the owner of Borhan interpretation too, narrated from Ibn-e-babouye the cause of revelation of these verses about Ahl-e-bayt (the family of Prophet Mohammad PH: Imam Ali (AS), Lady Fateme (SA) and their children. Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS).) of Prophet (PH)!)) of Prophet of God (PH) in the same way of above mentioned sayings. Tabari, the owner of Jame-ol-bayan, who is one of common interpreters, about the 8th verse said: ((Prophet (PH) never took captive a Muslim and this verse has been descended about pagan captives that Prophet (PH) commanded to compromise with them.)) and some of learned men (of Islam) insist on that this Sura has been descended in Mecca and they want to deny the descending of these verses about immaculate and pure Ahl-e-bayt (the family of Prophet Mohammad PH: Imam Ali (AS).


The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Etaam

part 5

Imam Baqer (AS) and Mosem-ibn-e-khaled narrated from Imam Sadeq (AS) and he has narrated from his father that stated: ((Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS) got sick in their childhood. Prophet (PH) along with two men went to visit them. One of them said: O Ab-al-hasan (one of the titles of Imam Ali AS) if you had make vow for your two kids, God would cure them. Imam (AS) said: ((I will fast for three days to thank God.)) and Lady Fateme (SA) said so and also Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS) said: ((we will fast three days too.)) and their servant made such vow as well. God did cure them.they wanted to fast next day from morning and they had nothing to eat.))

This narration has been written in volume 23 of Masael-o-Shia, second volume of Mostadrak-ol-vasayel, third volume of Al-manaqeb and volume 17 of Ahl-e-bayt interpretation. The narration is told in volume 35 of Behar-ol-anvar and second volume of Shavahed-o-tanzil by narrating from Kharazmi who has narrated in Al-manaqeb from Ibn-e-abbas, who Thalabi and others has narrated from him too, in the same way; the only difference is that in the later narration the two men are known as Abou-bakr and Omar.

This narration is narrated by Forat-ibn-e-ibrahim in Forat-ol-koufi interpretation who has narrated from Ab-olqasem-al-alavi, he has narrated from Imam Sadeq (AS) and Imam (AS) narrated from his father. Forat-ibn-e-ibrahim has written that: ((after fasting, Imam Ali (AS) took the hands of the two kids who were shaking like two featherless chicks due to hunger and brought them to the home of Prophet Muhammad (PH). When Prophet Muhammad (PH) saw the two, he burst into tears and took the hands of two kids and along with them went to Lady Fateme (SA). When Prophet Muhammad (PH) saw her, that the color (of her face) were changed and she got so thin, stocked her to his breast and kissed her forehead. Lady Fateme (SA) while crying told: ((O Prophet of God! I ask help from God and then from you because of hunger.)) Imam SAdeq (AS) then stated: ((Prophet Muhammad (PH) saw in the sky, while he were telling: ((O God! Give enough food to Al-e-Muhammad PH.)) Then Gabriel came down and told: ((O Muhammad! Recite.)) Prophet (PH) stated: ((what should I recite?)) Gabriel told: ((recite “إِنَّ الْأَبْرارَ یَشْرَبُونَ مِنْ کَأْسٍ کانَ مِزاجُها کافُوراً عَیْناً یَشْرَبُ بِها عِبادُ اللهِ یُفَجِّرُونَها تَفْجِیراً یُوفُونَ بِالنَّذْرِ وَ یَخافُونَ یَوْماً کانَ شَرُّهُ مُسْتَطِیراً وَ یُطْعِمُونَ الطَّعامَ عَلی حُبِّهِ مِسْکِیناً وَ یَتِیماً وَ أَسِیراً.”  (Verily, the Abrâr (the pious believers of Islamic Monotheism), shall drink of a cup (of wine) mixed with (water from a spring in Paradise called) Kâfûr,A spring wherefrom the slaves of Allâh will drink, causing it to gush forth abundantly, They (are those who) fulfil (their) vows, and they fear a Day whose evil will be wide-spreading, And they give food, inspite of their love for it (or for the love of Him), to the Miskîn[1] (the poor), the orphan, and the captive)).


The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Etaam

part 6

Shia interpreters including: Sadough in Al-amali, Ali-ibn-e-isa arbali in first volume of Kashf-ol-ghame fi marefat-ol-aeme, Ab-ol-fazael ahamad-ibn-e-mousa-ibn-e-tavous in Bana-ol-maghalat-ol-fatemia (al-alaviya) fi naqz-e-resalat-ol-othmaniya, Havizi in Noor-o-thaqaleyn interpretation, Seyyed hashem bahrani in Al-borhan fi tafsir-el-Quran, Seyyed sharaf-o-din husayni estarababdi in Tavil-ol-ayat-o-zahera fi fazael-ol-etrat-o-tahera have narrated the same narration from Imam Sadeq (AS). Majlesi in volume 35 of Behar-ol-anvar has narrated from Ali-ibn-e-asbat and also from Ibn-e-dab who have narrated from Prophet Muhammad (PH) that stated: ((I told Ali (AS): ((O Ali! What did you do in the past night?)) He told: ((why [do you ask]?)) I told: ((last night 4 high statuses was revealed about you.)) he told: ((may my father and mother be sacrificed for you! I had 4 dirham; I have donated one of them at night, one of them in the day, one of them hidden and one of them obviously.)) I told: ((God revealed about you: ((Those who spend their wealth (in Allâh’s Cause) by night and day, in secret and in public, they shall have their reward with their Lord. On them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve) (Sura Baqare, verse 274) then I told him: ((did you do anything other than it? Because God has revealed 17 successive verses to me which start with: “إِنَّ الْأَبْرارَ یَشْرَبُونَ مِنْ کَأْسٍ کانَ مِزاجُها کافُوراً الی إِنَّ هَذَا کَانَ لَکُمْ جَزَاء وَکَانَ سَعْیُکُم مَّشْکُورًا” (Verily, the Abrâr (the pious believers of Islamic Monotheism), shall drink of a cup (of wine) mixed with (water from a spring in Paradise called) Kâfûr until And it will be said to them): “Verily, this is a reward for you, and your endeavor has been accepted) (Sura Ensan, verses 5-22)

Koleyni in first volume of Al-kafi, Majlesi I n volume 24 and 26 of Behar-ol-anvar, Havizi in Noor-o-thaqaleyn and Seyyed hashem bahrani in Al-borhan narrated about this verse by narrating from Mohammad-ibn-e-fazil who has narrated Imam Kazem (AS) that stated: ((يُوفُونَ بِالنَّذْرِ (They (are those who) fulfil (their) vows) means they keep the promise which they are given about Velayat (guardianship) for the sake of God.))

The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Etaam

part 7

In volume 15 of Mostadrak-ol-vasayel va mostanbat-ol-masael by Mohadeth noori (the title of Miraza Husain noori tabarsi) it is narrated from Ibn-e-abbas that: ((these verses are revealed about Imam Ali (AS) and, his wife, Lady Fateme (SA), the daughter of  Prophet Muhammad (PH), and the servant of Lady Fateme (SA). It was as so that they visited Prophet Muhammad (PH). He gave three sa’ (the old measure) bread to each of them. When they went to their home, a beggar came and asked help. Imam Ali (AS) donated his one sa’ (the old measure) bread. Imam Ali (AS) told the beggar: ((Prophet Muhammad (PH) states: ((swear to my honor and glory! Today a servant (of God) will not make the beggar silent from crying (by helping), unless I will make that servant (of God) habitant of any part of paradise.)) This narration is written with few difference in volume 35 of Behar-ol-anvar by Majlesi and second volume of Forat-ol-koufi by Forat-ibn-e-ibrahim too. In second volume of Shavahed-o-tanzil le-qavaed-o-tafzil f-el-ayat-o-nazela fi Ahl-e-bayt by Hakem hasakani this narration is told in this way from Ibn-e-abbas: ((وَ يُطْعِمُونَ الطَّعامَ عَلى‌ حُبِّهِ (And they give food, in spite of their love for it (or for the love of Him) is revealed about Imam Ali (AS) and Lady Fateme (SA). They had three breads and gave those to the poor, orphan and captive and they slept while they were hungry; then this verse was revealed.)) In another narration it has been narrated that the verse has been revealed about Imam Ali (AS) when he gave his dinner and broke his fast with water.

The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Etaam

part 8

About the Cause of revelation of these verses and assigning of those to Imam Ali (AS), Lady Fateme (SA), Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS) some narration are narrated by Hasan-ibn-e-mehran, Asbagh-ibn-e-nabate and others from Imam Baqer (AS) in narrative and interpretational books. In the narration by Asbagh-ibn-e-nabate the Hadith continues to the part that says: ((Prophet (PH) saw them hungry; Gabriel came down while he had a golden bowl in his hands which was decorated with pearl and ruby, was full of bread and broth and bones and the smell of musk and camphor was spreading from it. Then they sat down and ate until they ate enough food and not even one bite have diminished. Imam Hussain (AS) went out while he had a piece of bone in his hand. A Jewish woman shouted: ((O the hungry family! Where this food has come from for you? Feed me with it.)) Imam Hussain (AS) wanted to give it to her that Gabriel came down, took it from his hand and brought the large bowl to the sky. Prophet (PH) stated: ((if there was not the will of Hussain to feed that woman from that bowl, that bowl could become blessed among my Ahl-e-bayt (family of Prophet Muhammad PH) and they could eat from it until the judgmental day and not even one bite would diminished from it. [And after this happening] this verse was revealed which starts with “يُوفُونَ بِالنَّذْرِ” (They (are those who) fulfil (their) vows). The donating happened at the night before 25th of Z-el-hajje and the Sura which starts with هل اتی (Has there not been over) was revealed at the day of 25th of Z-el-hajje. This narration is told by mant Shia scholars; including: Majlesi in volume 35 of Behar-ol-anvar, Sadough in Al-amali, Havizi in Noor-o-thaqaleyn, Ali-ibn-e-isa arbali in first volume of Kashf-ol-ghame fi marefat-ol-aeme, etc.

In volume 97 of Behar-ol-anvar there is a prayer (to be read in pilgrimage) pf Imam Ali (AS) which is narrated by Imam Askari (AS) and one part of it, point out to Cause of revelation of these verses:

((Peace be upon you O Imam Ali (AS)! O the master of successors of prophets! O the first one among worshipers! O the most pious among pious people! May the mercy, blessings, salutation and beneficences of God be for you. You are the giver of food who gave [his] food to the poor, orphan and captive while he likes [and needs] it. You [give food] for the sake of God; you want no reward and thank from them.

In volume 40 of Behar-ol-anvar and also in Al-borhan fi tafsir-el-Quran by Bahrani it is narrated from Imam Kazem (AS) that stated: ((Imam Ali (AS) nowhere said we feed you for the sake of God and we want no reward and thank from you; but the honored and glorified God has known himself, that he has done it for the sake of the honored and glorified God. So without telling the intention by Imam Ali (AS), made him aware of his inner intention.


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