The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Ahlozekr

The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Ahlozekr

The virtues of Imam zaman in the verse of Bayeneh


وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَا مِنْ قَبْلِكَ إِلَّا رِجَالًا نُوحِي إِلَيْهِمْ  فَاسْأَلُوا أَهْلَ الذِّكْرِ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ لَا تَعْلَمُونَ

Sura Anbia Verse 7, Sura Nahl verse 43


Before thee, also, the messengers We sent were but men, to whom We granted inspiration: If ye realize this not, ask of those who possess the Message. (from

Sura Anbia Verse 7, Sura Nahl verse 43

part 1

Cause of revelation:

This verse is known as Ahl-o-zekr (who possess the Message). It invites all people, specially polytheists, to ask about the truth of prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (PH) from knowledgeable people. This verse was revealed when polytheists from Mecca have denied invitation of Prophet of Islam (PH) and told: God should choose the prophet from angle. According to interpreters, the meaning of Ahl-o-zekr (who possess the Message) in these verses are the Christian and Jews scholars or the ones who have the knowledge of reports of ancient people and the ones who are aware of conditions of former societies. The meaning of asking, is ask about signs of prophecy which exists in their books. Interpreters by referring to numerous narrations from Shias and Sunnis about these two verses, have as the cleanest meaning of Ahl-o-zekr (who possess the Message) as Ahl-e-bayt (family of Prophet Muhammad (PH); including Imam Ali (AS), Lady Fateme (SA), Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS)) who the rules of religion and interpretation should be learned from them.

Muhamad ibn-e-jarir tabari in Jame-ol-bayan interpretation has narrated from Zahak who has narrated from Ibn-e-abbas that when God chose Muhammad (PH) as a Prophet, it was hard for Arabs (to accept). For this reason, they denied it and told God is greater than choosing a prophet from human being. Then this verse and Sura Yunes, verse 2 ‘’ أَکانَ لِلنَّاسِ عَجَباً أَنْ أَوْحَینا إِلى رَجُلٍ مِنْهُمْ ‘’ (Is it a matter of wonderment to men that We have sent Our inspiration to a man from among themselves?) was revealed. On the other hand, Muhamad-ibn-e-bagher mohaghegh have written in Nemoune bayanat about the cause of revelation of these verses in Sheikh tousi’s opinion and other popular and special interpreters’ point of view that cause of revelation of this verse was that polytheists told: God is greater than having a prophet from human beings; but also the chosen by God would not be someone else than an angel. This narration is written in Roz-ol-jenan and rouh-ol-jenan fi tafsir-el-Quran interpretation by Ab-ol-fotouh razi, which is one of the oldest and the most detailed Shia interpretation of Quran, too.

In some basic books, this verse is referred to for being a proof of a single report.


The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Ahlozekr

part 2

Cause of revelation:

With a brief look at this verse, we know that Tabarsi in 6th volume of Majma-ol-bayan fi tafsir-el-Quran knew first part of the verse as pointing to this fact that God sent his prophet from human beings to people see him, speak with him and understand his speech; so this is not true that he (God) make an angle commanded to communicate the message instead of a human.

Scholar Tabatabai in volume 12 of Al-mizan interpretation also, knew this verse for explaining the quality of sending prophets in order to pagans know religious invitation is a common and usual invitation, the only difference is that God through revelation sends what is good for this world and the other world; but there is no oracular power to null people’s determination and free-will and force them to accept religious invitation. According to him (Scholar Tabatabai) although the surface of second part of verse فَسْئَلُوا أَهْلَ الذِّكْرِ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ لا تَعْلَمُونَ

(If ye realize this not, ask of those who possess the Message) is addressed to prophet Muhammad (PH) and his people, but it addresses all people, specially polytheists; that anyone who does not recognize the truth of prophetical invitation, should ask from Knowledgeable people. Makarem shirazi and his colleagues in volume 11 of Nemoune interpretation emphasize second part of the verse (asking possessors of Messages) and knew it as confirmation of the fact that the responsibility of prophets is delivering revelation to humans through usual way not forcing people to accept their invitation and quitting all deviations by breaking rules of nature with a wonderful power. If it was the case, confessing to faith was no more an honor and evolution.

The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Ahlozekr

part 3

Cause of revelation:

Mohsen Qeraati in 4th volume of Noor interpretation have explained some points about this verse. He have written this verse have propounded a general principle which any human wisdom confirms and that is the principle of referring to learned people and specialists. It means that we should ask anything we do not know from the aware and expert people. Of course, in religious issues the best instances of “اهل ذکر” (those who possess the Message) are the Ahl-e-bayt of Prophet Muhammad (PH) (family of Prophet Muhammad PH; including Imam Ali (AS), Lady Fateme (SA), Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS).) there are plenty of narrations which have been narrated by Shias and Sunnis, with the mentioned content which in the third volume of Ehqaq-ol-haq’s additions, which is narrated from the page 482 onward.

Tabari, Ibn-e-kathir and Alousi too, in their interpretations about this verse have introduced “اهل ذکر” (those who possess the Message) as Ahl-e-bayt of Prophet Muhammad (PH) (family of Prophet Muhammad PH; including Imam Ali (AS), Lady Fateme (SA), Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS).)

In volume 23 of Behar-ol-anvar, from the page 172 onward, about 60 narrations are narrated about the mentioned issue which in some of them Imams (AS) have stated: ((نحن والله اهل الذکر المسئولون (swear to God! We are the possessors of Message who people should ask their questions from.))


The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Ahlozekr

part 4

Cause of revelation:

Husayni shah abd-ol-azimi in 7th volume of Athna ashari interpretation have written about the final part of this verse:

فسئلوا اهل الذکر (ask of those who possess the Message) means so ask from learned people; which means scholars. ان کنتم لا تعلمون means if you do not realize.

Note: ذکر (in this verse, translated as Message) (literary) means reminding, opposite of forgetfulness and necessitates knowledge. And since it pertains knowledge, and each of them are associated with another and are not separated; so interpreting knowledge from ذکر (in this verse, translated as Message) is correct. Moreover, one of the literary qualities is supposed as calling the intransitive with the attached noun and vice versa.

Remind: this holy verse testifies the obligation of gaining knowledge; since (God commands in) it that in case of ignorance, people should ask the knowledgeable people and referring ignorant person to innate, inborn and knowledgeable one. And many reports are mentioned about the obligation of gaining knowledge; as such this   prophetical hadith is one of the related by successive witnesses hadiths in first volume of Osoul kafi, the book of knowledge, which Prophet (PH) stated: ((طلب العلم فریضه علی کل مسلم (seeking knowledge is a duty for any Muslim)) the meaning of knowledge in this hadith is religion, not any knowledge. And of course it should be asked from its possessors. The meaning of “اهل ذکر” (those who possess the Message) are Imams (AS). Also in first volume of Osoul kafi, Al-hojja book, second volume of Ayashi interpretation and second volume of Al-borhan fi tafsir-el-Quran plenty of narrations are written which point out that meaning of ذکر (in this verse, translated as Message) in this verse is Prophet of God (PH) and the meaning of “اهل ذکر” (those who possess the Message) are the Ahl-e-bayt of Prophet Muhammad (PH) (family of Prophet Muhammad PH; including Imam Ali (AS), Lady Fateme (SA), Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS).) in first volume of Osoul kafi also, many narration are  written with this subject; including from Imam Baqer (AS) who about this verse, part “فاسئلوا اهل الذکر ان کنتم لا تعلمون” (If ye realize this not, ask of those who possess the Message) has stated: ((Prophet (PH) stated: ((الذکر انا و الائمه اهل الذکر (I am ذکر (in this verse, translated as Message) and Imams (AS) are “اهل ذکر” (those who possess the Message)) or in another narration which Abd-o-rahman-ibn-e-kathir said: I asked Imam Sadeq (AS) about the verse “فاسئلوا اهل الذکر ” ( ask of those who possess the Message). He stated: ((الذکر محمد صلی الله علیه و آله و سلم و نحن اهله المسئولون. (ذکر (in this verse, translated as Message) in this verse is Prophet of God (PH) and we are the possessor ones who should be asked.))

Ibn-e-babouye has narrated from Rayyan-ibn-e-salat that: Imam Reza (AS) entered a meeting of Ma’moun (Abbasid caliphate) where some scholars from Iraq and Khorasan were gathered. (After that, he narrates the hadith until the part that) Imam (AS) stated: ((we are “اهل ذکر” (those who possess the Message) who God has stated in his book: “فاسئلوا اهل الذکر ان کنتم لا تعلمون” (If ye realize this not, ask of those who possess the Message). We are “اهل ذکر” (those who possess the Message); so ask if you do not know.)) Scholars told: ((the meaning of “اهل ذکر” (those who possess the Message) are Christians and Jews.)) Imam (AS) stated: ((is this true while (when they are asked about the right religion) they invite to their own religion and say the Christianity and Jewish are superior than Islam?)) Ma’moun told: ((do you have any elaboration (of this verse) against our explanation?)) Imam (AS) stated: ((yes. ذکر (in this verse, translated as Message) in this verse is Prophet of God (PH) and we are the meaning of “اهل ذکر” (those who possess the Message). This clear in the book of God where in Sura Al-talaq states: ((فاتقوالله یا اولی الباب الذین آمنوا قد نزل الله الیکم ذکرا رسولا یتلوا علیکم آیات الله مبینات (fear Allah, O ye men of understanding – who have believed! – for Allah has indeed sent down to you a Message, A Messenger, who rehearses to you the Signs of Allah containing clear explanations) so ذکر (in this verse, translated as Message) in this verse is Prophet of God (PH) and we are the meaning of “اهل ذکر” (those who possess the Message))

The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Ahlozekr

part 5

Cause of revelation:

Thaqafi Tehrani in third volume of Ravan  javid has narrated from Imam Ali (AS) that recited: “لنثوبنهم بثاء” which means indeed we reward them  with goodness in this world which are reverence, magnificence, victory and triumph over enemies and handed over their affair to creator who deserves thankfulness and it is said that: infidels told to Prophet Muhammad (PH): God is better and higher than appointing a human being like us to prophetic mission and sending toward us. It should be among angles in order to we know him and obey his rules. And Prophet (PH) in response, explained the philosophy of choosing prophet among human being not angles and we said it in the part which we explained about a verse of Sura Anaam (“و قالوا لا انزل علیه ملک” (and they said no angle is descending to him). Here also, God answers that: “previous prophets were not anything unless men from human beings who we revealed to them. This is not a new event that you supposed it to be unlike and told: prophet should be an angle and it is not correct to be a human being like us. If you do not believe, go and ask knowledgeable people and those who have information about ancient societies; like Jewish and Christian scholars in order to truth become clear for you that we have sent the men with manifest miracles and divine books. And we revealed to you, who are the last prophet, the Quran, which is a miracle and a book too, to state for people the rules which is been descended for them; including: permissible, forbidden and other knowledges to observe them and ponder in them and find the truth, correctness and competence of those rules. Thus, “بالبینات و الزبر” (with clear signs and books of dark) belongs to “بما ارسلنا” (we sent them prophecies) in first part of previous verse and the phrase “فسئلوا اهل الذکر” (ask of those who possess the Message) is parenthetical.  “ارسلنا” (we sent) should be written at the first part of the previous verse. “فسئلوا” (ask) is addressed to infidels while the speech was about immigrants and faithful people and all of them is in opposition with the surface (message of the verse) and is preciosity. But in my view, the verse is addressed to faithful people and God after mentioning the characteristics of immigrants and believers, states: ((always there has been the men of revelation. Refer to them and the ones who similar to them, are knowledgeable for your problems in rules and (religious) knowledge and ask them if you do not know and if you do not have the knowledge of certain proofs in major points and divine books (who speak about) minor points. We have descended Quran to the last prophet to state its (religious) knowledge and rules for people and they ponder and their problems get solved and their tasks become clear. Thus, “بالبینات و الزبر” (?) belongs to “بلا تعلمون” (to what they do not know) and there is no preciosity. The meaning is clear and in accordance with narrations from Imams (AS) which has been narrated from plenty of ways in valid books; including: Kafi, Oyoun, Basaer, Qomi, Ayashi etc. these narrations are almost successive and the result of all of them is that Imam (AS) stated: ((God states: “قَدْ أَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ إِلَيْكُمْ ذِكْراً رَسُولًا يَتْلُوا عَلَيْكُمْ آياتِ اللَّهِ‌” (Allah has sent you a Message, prophets who read verses from Allah for you.)  So the meaning of ذکر (the Message) is Prophet Muhammad (PH) and the meaning of اهل الذکر (possessors of Message) is his family who are us. And also God states: “انزلنا اليك الذّكر لتبيّن‌ للنّاس ما نزّل اليهم” (we send you the Message to elaborate it for people what has been descended to them) so ذکر (Message) is Quran and we are its possessor; not Jewish or Christ who some people say you should ask them. If it is the case, they would invite you to their religion. We are the asked (persons) and God has commanded to ask from us and also the people who ask are Shias and believers. Thus, there is no justification for speeches of other interpreters which was mentioned before and this meaning, is in accordance with appearance of Quran and explicit (meaning) of narrations. And Allah knows better…


The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Ahlozekr

part 6

Cause of revelation:

Seyyed abd-ol-huseyn tayeb in volume 12 of Atyab-o-tebyan interpretation have written about this verse: ((“and we did not send before sending you unless the men who we revealed to them; so ask the ones who are knowledgeable and know, if you do not know.” About the public prophecy in, I have written 8 issues in first volume of Kalem-o-tayeb; including: the meaning of prophecy, prophetic message, Ol-ol-amr (Imams AS), the necessity of sending on God and the point that it has natural virtue, the intensity of people’s need to prophets and the point that quitting sending them is in the opposition with justice and it causes the cancellation of creating not just the human being but also all of the world. In the case of not sending prophets, all of the system of paradise and hell and other characteristics of them would be null and in opposition with justice. Also I have written the necessary conditions of prophet; including: being a man, purity, being more perfect than all of people in the society in all of the praiseworthy characteristics, admirable habits, righteous deeds, sensual perfections. Moreover, I talked about the impediments of prophecy and necessity of giving certain proof and reason for prophetic message by showing miracle or reports which a certain prophet or a certainly pure person has told before, etc. I require you to refer to them and I just interpret the verse here. “و ما ارسلنا من قبلک” (Before thee, We did not sent) ما (not) makes the verb negative and the part is addressed to Prophet (PH) that we did not sent before you any prophet, unless it was a man; like: Adam, Noah, Ibrahim, Moses, Christ, etc. “نوحی الیهم” (to whom We granted inspiration) the way of inspiration is explained in Quran:

“وَ ما كان‌َ لِبَشَرٍ أَن‌ يُكَلِّمَه‌ُ اللّه‌ُ إِلّا وَحياً أَو مِن‌ وَراءِ حِجاب‌ٍ أَو يُرسِل‌َ رَسُولًا فَيُوحِي‌َ بِإِذنِه‌ِ ما يَشاءُ”

(it is not fitting for a man that Allah should speak to him except by inspiration, or from behind a veil, or by the sending of a messenger to reveal, with Allah’s permission what Allah wills: for he is most high, most wise.) (Sura Shora, verse 51) by considering the fact that infidels and pagans denied the prophetic mission of Prophet Muhammad (PH), with the argumentation that you are a human being like us and if God sends prophet, why he does not send it from angles? But they were ignorant of the fact that the link of angle and human being is impossible; unless if the angle pretends to be a human being. God stated:

“وَ لَو جَعَلناه‌ُ مَلَكاً لَجَعَلناه‌ُ رَجُلًا وَ لَلَبَسنا عَلَيهِم‌ ما يَلبِسُون‌َ” (if we had made it an angle, we should have sent him as a man, and we should certainly have caused them to confusion in a matter which they have already covered with confusion.) (Sura Anaam, verse 9) supposedly, if (the angle prophet) comes as a human being, they again challenge that you are a human being like us; (in this case) it is more severe because they do not know his descent. If the prophet comes in a way other than human being, how come it is an angel and is not a devil? And if they say it does not have long service (to send a prophet among human being), “فسئلوا اهل الذکر” (ask of those who possess the Message) ask those who give you report of previous prophets. About the meaning of اهل الذکر (knowledgeable people), some people said Jewish scholars, some people said historians, in Shia reports it has been interpreted to Imams (AS). We have said repeatedly, the point that reports speak of the perfect instance is not in disagreement with generality of the verse and the meaning is knowledgeable people; anyone he/she is. “ان کنتم لا تعلمون” (if you do not know) is a rational judgement and referring the non-knowledgeable to knowledgeable is guiding to a rational judgement.

One problem which may occur is that polytheists do not believe in Imams (AS), historians, Jewish (scholars) or Christian scholars. The answer is that all of nations of the world and heads of (different) religions believe in some of previous prophets. The reports about them far more than being successive and the cause is cut where it is said the prophet has been chosen among human being.

The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Ahlozekr

part 7

Cause of revelation:

In volume 40 of Behar-ol-anvar by Majlesi and second volume of Al-manaqeb by Ibn-e-shahrashoub it has been narrated that Sodi said: I was with Omar-ibn-e-khatab when Ka’b-ibn-el-ashraf, Malek-ibn-e-seyfi and Hin-ibn-e-akhtab came and told: it is told in your book (Quran): ((“the paradise which its expanse is as the width of all skies and the earth.” (Sura Al-e-emran, verse 133) if the expanse of one paradise is as the width of seven skies and seven earths, so where the whole paradise will be at judgmental day?)) Omar-ibn-e-khatab told: I do not know. While they were telling these words, Ali (AS) came and told: ((what are you talking about?)) the Jewish person explained his problem. Ali (AS) stated: ((tell me when night comes, where the day does goes? And when day comes, where does the night goes?)) Then [the Jewish person] told him: ((they go into the knowledge of God.)) Ali (AS) stated: ((the paradise also goes into the knowledge of God such like.)) then Ali (AS) went to Prophet Muhammad (PH) and informed him of that happening. Then this verse was revealed: ((“فسئلوا اهل الذکر ان کنتم لا تعلمون” (If ye realize this not, ask of those who possess the Message)

The virtues of Imam Ali in the verse of Ahlozekr

part 8

Cause of revelation:

In volumes 66 and 90 of Behar-ol-anvar by Majlesi it has been narrated by Imam Ali (AS) that stated: ((the origin of faith is knowledge and God has determined some owners for knowledge and has invited people to obey them and ask from them. God states: ((“فسئلوا ان کنتم لا تعلمون” (If ye realize this not, ask of those who possess the Message). In volume 23 of Behar-ol-anvar, volume 17 of Mostadrak-ol-vasael and also in Basaer-o-darajat and Noor-o-thaqaleyn interpretation it has been narrated from Imam Baqer (AS) that stated: ((ذکر (Message) is Quran [and we are the possessor of the Message] and we should be asked.)) in the same volume of  Behar-ol-anvar and also first volume of it, volume 27 of Vasael-o-Shia and 17th volume of Mostadrak-ol-vasael it has been narrated from Imam Sadeq (AS) that stated: ((Quran is ذکر (Message) and the family of Prophet Muhammad (PH) are the possessor of it who the honored and glorified God has commanded to ask from and not from non-knowledgeable people. God, himself, has named the Quran as ذکر (Message) and stated: ((“to state what has been descended for them; may they ponder.)) In first volume of Kafi it has been narrated from Prophet of God that stated: ((I am ذکر (Message) and Imams (AS) are اهل الذکر (the possessors of Message).)) in the same part, it has been narrated from Imam Ali (AS) that stated: ((we are اهل الذکر (the possessors of Message).))

In volume 23 and 36 of Behar-ol-anvar, first volume of Al-tarayef and also Nahj-ol-haq it has been from Ibn-e-abbas that when he was asked about this verse, he told: (([اهل الذکر (the possessors of Message) are Muhammad (PH), Ali (AS), Lady Fateme (SA), Hasan (AS) and Hussain (AS) that] they are the possessors of Message, knowledge, wisdom and statement. They Ahl-e-bayt (family) of Prophet (PH), the station of prophetic mission and the place of angles traffic. Swear to God! The believer is called believer unless because of having respect for Imam Ali (AS).))

In 7th volume of Ahl-e-bayt interpretation it has been narrated from Imam Ali (AS) when addressed people of Medina that stated: ((you followed astray people and they seduced you; you left your Imams (AS) and they have left you too. You reached the point that you judge according to your will. [you were not the people who told] when something happens ask from اهل الذکر (the possessors of Message).)) And when they explain its answer, confirm it and say the truth of knowledge is that. So what happened that [in spite of this confession] you left them (اهل الذکر (the possessors of Message) and put them behind and opposed with them?))

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