Teaching Quran

Teaching Quran

Teaching Quran

Teaching Quran


Imam Ali (AS) knew learning Quran as the duty of any Muslim and states teaching it to the children as the right of the child.

In oration 110 he stated:

((learn Quran; because it is the best word and think and contemplate to it since it is the spring (season) of hearts (which makes them alive again).))

In this explanation it is clear that the meaning of teaching Quran to children is not just about reading it; but also Imam (AS) has considered teaching gnostic knowledge and concepts of words of Allah (Quran) which cause contemplate in contents of verses and has insisted on.

In wise saying number 399 it is said that: ((the right of child on the father is that to name him/her well, chastise her/him nice and teach Quran to her/him.))

In letter number 310 paragraph 28, which is his testament after Safin war got finished to his eldest child, Imam Hasan (AS), he stated that:

((because due to fatherly affection I have decided to discipline you, while my lifetime is getting finished and you are at the beginning of your lifetime and you have well intention and pure heart. I have decided to teach you Quran and its interpretation, the laws of the religion and divine permissible and prohibited more than anything.))

This is a practical role model for all fathers to regard the duty of teaching Quran and religion to children important and act it out; because Quran is foundation and base of religious education and training and our leaders, whether in their Hadiths or in their practical character sketch, have insisted on it.

After learning Quran, reading it regularly and observing the manner of reading it also, has a special manifestation in statements of Imam Ali (AS). We can divide the manners of reciting Quran into two groups; including: apparent part and inner part. Apparent part includes: reciting correctly, Tajweed (observing the rules of pronunciation during reading Quran), good voice, Arabic accent, reciting while having Wudhu (Islamic act of washing parts of body), facing the Qibla, etc. the inner part includes: (reading with) proper feeling, attention and contemplation, understanding the meanings, regarding ourselves as the addressee of the verses of Quran, putting this charter of guidance into practice, etc.

In oration 110 he stated: ((read the Quran well; since it is the most useful speech and statement.)) it can be a point to the apparent part of manners of reading Quran. Moreover, in oration 193 he spoke with more details about it:

((but at night, they make their steps (feet) straight and say the prayer, they read the components of Quran with thought and along it, make themselves somber and seek the cure of their pains from it. Every time they reach to a verse which there is an encourage in it, they dream of it and see those exciting promises I front of their eyes; and when they reach a verse in which there are threaten and warning, they pay attention to it with heart and suppose the Zafir (expiration) and Shahiq (exaltation) (means cry and exaltation of the Hell) are resonating in their ears. Then they bend for genuflection and in prostration lay their faces, hands and knees down and require their God the release from the Hell.

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