Son of man in Bible

Son of man in Bible

Son of man in Bible

Son of man in Bible


Part one:
Although some people call it historical determinism and assume it out of human being’s option, but the thing which is common among all monotheistic religions is the existence of savior that his coming will provide a lot of justice and happiness for mankind and free him/her from contamination which like a marsh hold his/her legs in itself. The promise of coming of the Son of man has been stated in monotheistic religions. Christianity is one of the religions which this point can not be disregarded in it.
The Christian’s savior despite the Jews’ savior, has a specific instance as Islam. A savior which his title and stirp is totally specified. In Bibles has pointed to sudden coming as Christ says: you can not know the time of my coming, since it is only in the powerful hand of God. No mankind is aware of that moment, even angles, just God knows. {Matthew Bible/ 36:24}. Of course Christians according to different views sometimes assume Christ as the savior and according to Jews’ savior thought, introduce him as redemptive and sometimes annunciate his recrudescence in the end of the world and call him the referee of the world, but another group believe that their savior is the one who Christ himself promised his coming and has an instance other than Christ which call him Son of man and it is clear that because he has superior qualities and outstanding features, is in higher position than Christ. As according to Mr. Hawkes’s writing in the ‘lexicon of Holy book’ this word is mentioned 80 times in Bible which only 30 times of it is adaptive with Christ {lexicon of Holy book_Hawks_p 219}; but the other 50 times of it speaks of a savior which in the end of the time which means at the end of the world will appear and Christ will also come with him and gives him the glory and grandeur that of course no one is aware of the time of his coming and its definite moment.

Part two:
In various gospels of Bible like Matthew Bible chapter 24 verse 27 and chapter 36 verse 37 and also in Luke Bible chapter 18 verse 18 and… is pointed to coming of Son of man. He is introduced as judge, referee, justiciary, …. In John Bible, Son of man in most cases, is a God who is described as king and judge and meanwhile is assumed as a preexistent creature in paradise.
A group according to Bible’s verses believe that Christ has introduced himself as the Son of man and others has not used this title for him. {Apostle’s deeds/7:56}. But it should be mentioned that these verses are assumed among vague cases of Holly book and if Christ has used them was for explaining to his followers that he also is a mankind like them against the thoughts which knew him as the Son of God.
It is also mentioned in John Bible that Christ never knows himself as erector of kingdom (Son of man) or king of Christianity, since he specifies: I’m not a mundane king. If I were so my followers would fight for me not to get caught in Jews clutches. My kingdom is not for this world {John Bible/18:36} but introduces himself as an apostle who comes to give the good news of God’s government!! The government which belongs to another person!

Part three:
In ‘divine presence of prophet Enoch’ book which its main focus is on the phrase ‘son of man’ knows him as an incorporeal more or less preexistent and chimerical who is hidden in paradise currently and in the end of world appears to judge about the resurrection of dead persons among the people of the world at that time believers would get free from satans’ reign and would govern in peace and justice forever on the world. In these books he was referred as a chosen person.
Matthew Bible states the eventual calamities and sufferings of the world from Christ as so: then watch the Son of man who comes on the clouds with grand glory. {Matthew Bible/26:13} and in another part says: anyone who scorns from me and when in the glory of father himself and Holly angles comes. Christ has not claimed forming a government in reports of Bibles and in all cases about the end of the world’s government and exterminating evil and judge among people mentions the other person called Son of man who before his coming universal wars would happen in the Palestine area. More than everyone the Jews will hurt and Son of man grand glory will come to everyone be his obedient. With regarding the mentioned points this is clear that Son of man is someone other than Christ as he himself (Christ) acknowledged it. Due to mentioned features for Son of man in Bibles and also Muslim’s promised savior’s feature in their book (we) can conform Son of man to promised Mahdi (Aj) who Christ has given the good news of his government.


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