Short absence and four Imam Zaman’s deputies

Short absence and four Imam Zaman’s deputies

Short absence and four Imam Zaman’s deputies

Short absence and four Imam Zaman's deputies

first part

Short absence means to be absent for a short time and according to Shia doctrines, it is the era in which Mahdi (AS) have lived secret and just through his four agents was connected to Shia. This period acording to one opinion was began from 260A.h and has ended at 329A.h (941A.c) (about 69 years). Shia scholars have disaggrement not about the end of  short absence , but about the time that absence has begun. Some believe it has begun with Imam Zaman’s birth and some other belive that its beginning was at the day of Imam Hasan Askari’s (AS) martyrdom. Sheikh Mofid (borned at 413A.h) has accepted the first opinion in the book Al_ershad and says:

His shorter absence has begun with his birth and continues untill shias’ connection through agents and mediators would be cut too. The longer absence also would last since the end of first absence to the day that he will begin his revolution with sword.

Tabarsi (borned at 548 A.h) also, has accepted this narration and has told the duration of short absence of 74 years.


Short absence and four Imam Zaman’s deputies

second part

Seyed Mohammad Sadr the author of the book “the history of short absence”, in his book tried to by mentioning some reasons, with rejecting the narration which assumes the beginning of short absence as the birth of Imam Zaman, prove that the beginning of short absence was the Imam Hasan Askari’s martyrdom. In brief he belives:

Determining four deputies as mediator between Imam (AS) and Shias, happens after death of Imam Hasan Askari (AS) and on the other hand, the main distinction of short and long absence is only the deputies and connection mediators who were only in short absence responsible for communicating Mahdi (AS) messages and after that, Imam Zaman’s connection with people would totally cut. so, we should asy that short absence, indeed, begins from the time of Imam Hasan Askari’s death and determining the first deputy.

Of course it is good to mention that Imams’ exigent life condition at the Abbasid period forced them to choose deputy for doing many things who were called attorney. As so Hussain Jasem in the book “political history of 12th Imam’s absence” gives some proofs and documents that Imam Sadegh (AS) is the first Imam who has created such a network.

Sheikh Toosi in the book “al_gheibat” has narrated that Abdollah_ibn_jafar hamiri says: you has got prohibited from asking his name, because sultan (calipha at that time) thinks Imam Hasan Askari (AS) has no son and his herritage is shared also ( among his mother, sister and brother). If his name been told, they try to find him. so do not ask his name.

Seyed Hussain modaresi tabatabai in the book “Maktab” in the evolution process states that this biseperation which was in Shia society after Imam Hasan Askari (AS)’s death, could be seen in his home too.


Short absence and four Imam Zaman’s deputies

Third part

Hodaith, Imam Hasan Askari (AS)’s mother, and Hakime, his aunt, advocate the existence and Immamate of Imam Hasan Askari (AS)’s child , but his only sister who disregarding Ja’far was the only Imam Hadi(AS)’s left child and may be was Ja’far’s full blood sister, have supported Ja’far.

This confusion was so heavy that many people give up being Shia and joined other Shia and non-Shia factions. some did not accept Imam Hasan Askari (AS)’s death and assumed him as Son of man. some devolve the Immamate positione to Seyed Mohammad Imam Hadi’s child and denied Imam Hasan Askari (AS)’s Immamate.

among them, many people assumed Ja’far as Son of man. Ja’far has tried a lot to achive the Imam Zaman’s position. He, after Imam Hasan Askari (AS)’s martyrdom, despite his mother being alive, claimed his herritage.He also stimulated the statesmen at the time to search Imam Hasan Askari (AS)’s home to find his child and with his align, one of Imam Hasan Askari (AS)’s bondwomen has imprisoned and was heavily under supervision, in addition, Ja’far accepted to give twenty thousands dinars as bribe to one of Abbasid brokers to confirm his Immamate.

Despite all these disaggrements efforts of four deputies and Shia nobles lead to majority of Shia accept Imam Hasan Askari (AS)’s child as Imam Zaman and this stream later took over the main leadership of Immami Shia and in fourth century stayed as 12 Imam Shia. Seyed Morteza in the second volume of the book “Al_fosoul_ol_mokhtara” narrates from Sheikh Mofid that stated a news from Ibn_mousa nobakhti the author of the book ” Shia factions”, about the fourteen factions after Imam Hasan Askari (AS)’s martyrdom:fourthpart

From these factions that we mentioned, at our time; 373 A.h. no faction unless twelve Imam Shia has not remained; it means the people who have accepted Immamate of Imam Hasan Askari (AS)’s child who is called by the name of Mohammad(PH), and have certainty in his life and survival untill the day which he will revolt with his sword.


Short absence and four Imam Zaman’s deputies

Fourth part

According to narrations, 12th Imam, at short absence age has led his followers through his four chosen agents who were called embassadors or special deputies. First one of them is Othman_ibn_e_said omari, the second one was his son, Mohammad, the third one Hussain_ibn_e_rouh nobakhti and the fourth one was Ali_ibn_e_mohammad samari.

According to Shia scholars’ consensus after death of Ali_ibn_e_mohammad samari Mahdi (AS)’s fourth special deputy, at the year of329A.h short absence has ended and long absence has begun.

Modaresi Tabatabai in the book “Makateb” in the evolution process states:

In the first mid of fourth century when Al Buwayhid got into power in Iran and their supremacy on Baghdad and Abbasside caliphate and Al Hamdan in Syria, the political condition has changed uniquely in favor of Shia and Shia dignitaries all got place in all government posts and positions and social influence of that religion got increased to the extent that today western historians, call that century as “Shia century”.

Rasoul Ja’farian in the book “intlectual and political life of Shia Imams” reports the spreading of Shitte in cities of Iran like: Qom and Ave,… alongside the Nobakhti familie’s power in Baghdad court in this era.

Also alongside the efforts of special deputies in this period the role of holy lettrs of Imam Zaman should not be ignored. He in many of his letters did prove his Immamate and assumed the three criterion of chastity, knowledge and confirmation from God the conditions of Immamate. In following part an example which Sheikh Toosi in book “Al_gheiba” narrated from Ibn_e_abighanem ghazvini would be mentioned.


Short absence and four Imam Zaman’s deputies

Fifth part

Be careful of this example which Sheikh Toosi has brought in the book “Al_gheiba”:

Ibn_e_abighanem ghazvini and a group of Shia had disagreement about Imam Hasan Askari (AS)’s successor. Ibn_e_abighanem  said Abo Mohammad (AS) has died and had no successor. Shias wrote a letter to holy district(Imam Zaman AS) and informed him of the disagreement which happened. The response to the letter with Imam Zaman (AS)’s handwriting was:

In the name of God. God may keep us and you from abberation and mischief… I was informwd that a group of you have doubt and perplexity about your care takers of affairs (Imams). This issue had made us sad, of course not for ourselves but for yourself… Have not you seen that how God since Adam(AS) to time of previous Imams made shelters for you to take refuge to them and put flags to be leaden through them. And anytime a flag has disappeared another flag appeared and anytime a star  has set another star has rose. When God has took previous Imams toward himself you supposed that the great God has void his religion and has cut the cause between him and his creatures. Never was so and untill the rise judgement day and unfolding the glorious God’s affair this would not happen too. Previoius Imam (AS) departured while he was blissful and had totally did according to his fathers’ method and his testament and his knowledge and his successor are among us and no one quarrel on his position except sinful tyrant.

It was in this period that replies like”Al_imama” and “Al_tabsera men_al_haira” the work of Ali_ibn_e_babouye has wrote in proving Imamieh believes and the process of composing these books in later years and centuries has continued with works like the book “Al_gheiba” of Mohammad_ibn_e_naim na’mani and “Kamal_e_din” of Sheikh Sadoogh  and that way, Shia has had passed the short absence era firmly and had entered long absence era.


Short absence and four Imam Zaman’s deputies

6th part

Generally four deputy is called to four agent or special deputy in short absence era who were connector between Imam Zaman(AS) and Shia. These people were of Imams’ old-line and trustful followers who were announced one after another and from the previous deputy.

Othman_ibn_e_said amri was first Imam Zaman’s special deputy who Imam Hasan Askari(AS) introduced  in his lifetime to his followers. Sheikh Sadoogh in the book “Kamal_e_din” wrote Imam Zaman (AS) in a meeting with writers has pointd to his deputyship. Othman_ibn_e_said  to the end of his lifetime and for about six years was responsible as the deputy of Mahdi(AS).

Mohammad_ibn_e _othman_ibn_e_said amri the son of first deputy was responsible as the Imam Zaman(AS)’s deputy for forty years.Sadoogh has brought a letter of Imam Zaman(AS) which he has offered condolences for death of first deputy and has introduced him(Mohammad) as the successor of his father.

Hussain_ibn_e_rouh nobakhti was one of  second deputy’s relible men in Baghdad who second deputy at the end of his lifetime introduced him as the next deputy from Imam Zaman(AS). He at the beginning had position and respect in Baghdad, by passing time got into trouble that he had experienced some years living secretly and five years imprisonment. He was Imam Zaman(AS)’s deputy for twenty one years.

Ali_ibn_e_Mohammad samori who had this position for three years experienced a full of repression period which caused limiting the activities of attorneyship organization in his era. Imam Zaman’s letter about giving the news of his(Ali) death and ending up the period of special deputyship and beginning the long absence are of most important events of his life.


Short absence and four Imam Zaman’s deputies

7th part

The responsibilities of four deputies:

  1. keeping the activities secret: because of government’s rigour the affairs related to deputy was done with secracy and dissimulation to keep the presence of Immamieh Shia in the center of Abbasside caliphate as an official and knowned minority.
  2. connection with caliphate system: this politic was done under the Imam Zaman(AS)’s support to use this influence for supporing Shia to maintain the least presence.
  3. fight with exaggerators: the issue of exagerration was one the most important issues at the four deputy’s time in a way that some Imams’ children like Ja’far Imam Hadi’s child was named liar Ja’far was with exagerrators and some political figures of Shia was supporting exagerrators. Imam Zaman(AS)’s deputies’ responsibility in absence era was fighting with these exagerrators like what Sheikh Toosi in “Al_gheiba” states about Mohammad_ibn_e_othman’s showing hatred to Mohammad_ibn_e_nasir who establishes the Nosayrie faction. He believed in Imams lordship and the permission of marriage with Mahrams(who you can see without hijab). Another example is a letter of Imam Zaman(AS) about the curse to Shalmaghani which is narated in the same book.
  4. dissolving doubts about Mahdi(AS): letters like what has published about Ibn_e_abighanem ghazvini or the letter which Imam Zaman(AS) has sent about liar Ja’far are examples of four deputys’ responsibility of dissolving doubts about Imam Zaman(AS)’s exitence.
  5. organizing attorneis: determining attorney was for managing different areas’ affairs and making connection between Shia and Imams which had begun since the period of Imam Sadegh(AS) and was common after Imam Kazem(AS).
  6. keeping Mahdi(AS) secret: keeping Imam and his charactristics secret, was one of four special deputis’ responsibilities. it seems from historical report and narrations that Imam was in Iraq, Mecca and Medina and has lived in a way that special deputy could meet him. when Hussain_ibn_e_rouh nobakhti reached the position of deputyship, Aboosahl nobakhti says about his position: “if i knew the location of absent Imam as Abo_al_ghasem(Hussain nobakhti) knows, perhaps in the pinch of discussion and arguement i would show it to enemy; while, if Abo_al_ghasem have hided Imam under his cloak, never would show him to anyone, even if make him into pieces with scissors. special deputies despite resisting on proving 12th Imam’s existence, requested Shia not to resist on realizing Imam Zaman(AS)’s characteristics and this tack, have knowned for keeping his safety.
  7. answering to juridical and religious questions: answering to juridical and religious problems alongside joining in scientific debates were other responsibilities of four deputy of Imam Zaman(AS). Ishagh_ibn_ya’ghoub’s letter and also Mohammad_ibn_e_ja’far asadi’s letter which includes important juridical and religious issues and Hussain_ibn_e_rouh’s presence in scientific and religious debates showes the four deputies’ activities in these cases.


The life of first Imam Zaman(AS)’s deputy_first part

Othman_ibn_e_said amri’s life:

He was knowned as Abooamr and was died at 267A.h. He was the first Imam Zaman (AS)’s special deputy. He was one of Imam Hadi,Imam Hasan Askari and Imam Zaman (AS)’s followers. There is doubt about whether he was the follower of Imam Javad(AS) or not. He was responsible as Imam Zaman (AS)’s special deputy since the beginning of Imam Zaman (AS)’s Immamate untill the end of his life meaning about 6 or7 years. He spent the time of his deputyship in Baghdad and in other cities of Iraq introduced some attornies to collect religious funds. In narrative texts he was named as Amri, Saman, Zayat and Askari. His tomb is in Baghdad. He was Imam Hadi’s server from 11 years old and almost all his life had served in in Samera and at Imams’ house but after death of Imam Hasan Askari(AS) and at deputyship period migrated to Baghdad and there, placed Karkh the Shia’s residance and the center of guiding Immamieh because the capital and domicile of Abbasside armies were Samera. In narrative texts he was named as Hafs_ibn_e_amr which most probably was his alias name which he had used in secret meetings with other attornies. His most important title is Amri. Sheikh Toosi in Al_gheiba says his paternal grandfather was Amr but Mohadeth qomi in Safinat_ol_behar knowes his attribution from his mother to Amr_ibn_e_atraf_e_a’la is the reason of this title. On the other hand because he was related to Bani asad tribe he was named Asadi. Also his title “Askai” is because he was lived in askari ally. His lived with buying and selling olive oil and this job was a cover for his other activities. The title”Saman” and “Zyat” was given to him because of that reason too. He had two sons, Mohammad_ibn_othman who was the second Imam Zaman (AS)’s deputy and Ahmad_ibn_e othman who no name of him was found in books and sources. Of course a person named Aboobakr mohammad_ibn_e_ahmad_ibn_e othman was mentioned as fictious deputy who the sources specify that he is Mohammad_ibn_e_othman’s nephew.




The life of first Imam Zaman(AS)’s deputy_second part

The time of his death is not clear. The accepted narration by historian and scholars of Men science is 267 A.h but some, based on a letter which in 280A.h was narrated know this year the time of his death which Sheikh Toosi rejects this issue and says the narrator of the hadith has seen and heared the narration in this year and this can not clarify his death time.

After his death his son washed him ceremonially and buried him in Baghdad at the east of Madinat_o_salam in a famous ally called Aldarb. Sheikh Toosi has said from his entrance in Baghad in 408A.h to 430A.h which he was in this city, he has visited him as a pilgrim. Now his shrine is in an ally called Rasafe in Baghdad and in an area which is knowned as Shorjeh bazar.

In the Othman_ibn_e_said’s special deputyship, 3 persones of distinguished attornies called Ahmad_ibn_ishagh, Mohammad ghatan and Hajez_ibn_e_yazis vasha was from his assistants and were responsible to connect and supervise other attornies, including Kufa attornies.



The life of second Imam Zaman(AS)’s deputy_first part

The Mohammad_ibn_othman_ibn_e_said amri’s life:

He was Imam Zaman (AS)’s deputy since 265A.h untill 305A.h which was the end of his life. He was Imam Zaman (AS)’s attorney and one of his father’s assistants at first. In Imam Hasan Askari (AS)’s narration and the Mahdi(AS)’s  condolences letter on the occasion of his father’s death Mohammad_ibn_e_othman’s deputyship was specified. He and his father both, were  Imam Hasan Askari (AS)’s  trusty and confidant. Sheikh Toosi in Algheiba according to a narration from Imam Hasan Askari (AS) about him states: “anything they give, give from me and anything they say is from me. Listen to them and follow them that they are my trusty and conscientious.

Sheikh Sadoogh in Kamal_e_din too narrates a letter as “condolences on the occasion of his father’s death” from Mahdi(AS) which his deputyship is specified in that. Part of this letter is:

It is from lots of bliss of your father that a child like you was given to him to be his successor and vice by his command, and pity for him and see; blessing for him. And I say that  I praise God, so indeed, Shia hearts have got happy from your position and what God Has placed into you and with you. May great God help you and give power to you and make you firm and give grace to you and keep you.


 The life of second Imam Zaman(AS)’s deputy_second part

He has some writings in (religious) juridisprudence and narrations about Imam Zaman (AS) was narrated from him. Famous prayers like Samat, Iftetah, Al_e_yasin was narrated by him.  His by-name is Abu ja’far and alongside titles like Amri, Asadi,Kufi,saman and Askari in iraq mostly is known as Khalani.Sheikh Toosi in Algheiba has narrated that a person in in a meeting with him ask him why do you bury grave? He said: Iam responsible to manage my activities and I will die two months ahead. His death happened at last day of Jamadi_al_aval 305A.h and his body got funeruled in Baghdad and was buried near his great father’s tomb. According to Mohammad_ibn_e othman’s testament and according to Imam Zaman(AS)’s command MR. Hussain_ibn_e_rouh nobakhti went to Baghdad and became his successor. Sheikh Toosi  in Algheiba mentioned 50 years as the durance of his death but Seyed Mohammad Sadr in Tarikh_ol_gheiba supposed it incorrect and specifies because his death was in 305 A.h and was 45 years far from death of Imam Hasan Askari(AS), with regarding 5 year deputyship of his father, he should have 40 year of deputyship. One of important events of his deputyship period was the Sahebzanj’s revolution and the appearance of Qarmatha. Sahebzanj introduced himself as related to Imam Sajad(AS) and could achive acceptance from part of Alawite in this era. Of course, researchers belive that Sahebzanj has lied by introducing himself an Alawie and in lineage and deed was far from Imams. Evan Ibn_e_shahrashoob  in “Imam Ali(AS)’s merits” specified this point and narrates from Imam Hasan(AS) that Sahebzanj is far from Imams.


 The life of second Imam Zaman(AS)’s deputy_third part

Qarmatha faction was a branch of Ismaili too who had relationships with Shia and this connection could make some problem for Shia. Narrated by Jasem hussain in the book” political history of 12th Imam”, Qarmatha’s promotions about Qaem’s revolution, actuated government to know their activities related to 12th Imam’s absence and assume it as preparation stage for Mahdi(AS)’s revolution. He belives the letter which was published Mohammad_ibn_e othman by Imam Zaman(AS) to curse  Abolkhatab, was related to Qarmatha’s dangerous and to interdiction Shia from any kind of connection to them. The method of his activities was totally based on dissimulation and behaved in a way that workmen of Abbasid government thought he is from the group who believes that Imam Hasan Askari  had no successor. Narrations including about birth of Imam Zaman(AS), being Haram to mention his name during short absence,  his visits and meetings with Imam Zaman(AS), Samat prayer, Iftetah prayer and Al_e yasin was narrated by him. The book Al_ashrabe is his writing in juridical field which as Om_e kolthoom daughter of Abooja’far said while telling testament gave it to his apprentice and the deputy after himself, Hussain_ibn_rouh nobakhti and Sheikh Toosi in Algheiba narrated through Aboonasr that after him Hussain_ibn_rouh nobakhti gave it to fourth deputy Abolhasan Samari.


   The life of third Imam Zaman(AS)’s deputy_first part

The life of Hussain_ibn_rouh nobakhti:


The third Imam Zaman(AS)’s deputy who 21 years from 305A.H TO 326A.h had the responsibility of  Imam Zaman(AS)’s special deputyship was Hussain_ibn_rouh nobakhti who was one of Imam Hasan Askari(AS)’s followers and of closed companions of second deputy in Baghdad. The year of his birth is not exactly determined. His by-name is Abolghasemin narrative books he was mentioned with titles like Nobakhti, Rouhi and Qomi. Because he spoke with the dialect of persian language of Abe(a village near Saveh) people, and had close relationships with that district’s people he was given the title “Qomi”. His attribution Nobakhti family was from his mother. Of course Hussain jasem in the book”political history of 12th Imam” believes that he was from Banoonobakht branch in Qom and in first deputy’s era has migrated to Baghdad.Ibn_e_shahrashoob in “Merits” knows him of followers and also assistant of Imam Hasan Askari(AS). Of course  Hussain jasem knows it problamatic in his book and believes Imam Hasan Askari(AS)  died in 206A.h and Nobakhti died at 326A.h.

Sheikh Toosi  in Algheiba says Hussain_ibn_rouh nobakhti from the most wise people of his age and in socialization with people had dissimulated in a way that oust one of his servants because of reviling Moavie. Om_e_kolthoom the daughter of Mohammad_ibn_e othman about the relationship between  Hussain_ibn_rouh nobakhti and her father says he was special(to her father) and was close to him and her father told his life’s private issues to him.


   The life of third Imam Zaman(AS)’s deputy_second part

Sheikh Toosi  in Algheiba wrote that second deputy had 10 attorney in Baghdad but Mohammad_ibn_e othman at the time of being sick introduced  Hussain_ibn_rouh nobakhti as his vice and powerful ambassador and ask Shia persons to refer to him after his(second deputy)death.At the day of second deputy’s death he(third deputy) sat in his(second deputy) house and Mohammad’s servant handed over him the box, which Immamate deposits were in it.

Eventually in 5th Shaval 305A.h first letter from Imam Zaman(AS) was published to affirm Hussain_ibn_rouh nobakhti. Part of Imam Zaman(AS)’s letter to confirm Hussain_ibn_rouh nobakhti is:

We know him( Hussain_ibn_rouh), God may identify all his good and gratifications to him and make him happy by his favors. We got informed from his letter and have trust in the responsibility have devolved to him. He has a position to us that would make him happy. God may increase his charity to him.

Ghafarzade in the book”life of special deputies of Imam Zaman(AS)” wrote that he before deputyship had special position and respect in Abbasside government’s system but later got into trouble and had secret life for some time and got imprisioned for five years. Rasool ja’farian in the book “Imams’ intlectual and political life” knew the influence of Nobakhti family and on the other hand ministryship of Abolhasan ali_ibn_e_mohammad from Forat family,who all were Shia’s advocates, as the reason of his political position and influence. But with Hamed_ibn_e_abas taking over(the power) as ministry, who supported Shia’s oppositions, some problems happened to him. He from 312A.h to 317A.h was imprisoned in authoritative Abbasside caliphate. Sunni know the refusal from paying money to government’s office as the reason of this imprisonment but some contemporary researchers have known causes like being famous in deputyship position, connection with Shia and his acceptance in organizing their situation and collecting letters and funds and giving them to Mahdi(AS) as the reason of it.



   The life of third Imam Zaman(AS)’s deputy_third part

The most important event of his era is the story of Shalmaghani who was his trusty attorney but got into deviance of opinion and a letter was published from of Imam Zaman(AS) to curse him. Azimzade tehrani in the book “the reasons of arresting Hussain_ibn_rouh nobakhti” believes that Shalmaghani’s enmity and Mohsen_ibn_ali’s co-operation are the most important reasons of his arresting and imprisonment. Sheikh Toosi  in Algheiba affirms that  Shalmaghani was one of Shia scholars in Baghdad and one of Hussain_ibn_rouh nobakhti close people. Even in his secret lifetime, Imam Zaman(AS)’s letters published through Shalmaghani’s hand. But in imprisonment period with misusing his position firstly introduced himself as hisBab(gate) and later got apostate and has shown his opinion deviances. With appearing his deviance although Hussain_ibn_rouh nobakhti was in jail informed Shia of the issue and prohibited to socialize with him untill in 312A.h holy letter had published from Imam Zaman(AS) to curse him.

In narrative texts some dignities from him was narrated. On the other hand Hussain_ibn_rouh nobakhti’s scientific position because of writing juridical book and had enough commanding view on scientific debates  has known superior. One of his tangible features was secracy. Aboosahl  nobakhti says:” if he has hided Imam(AS) under his dress and (they) would made him into pieces by scissors to show Imam(AS), he would never do so. In the book “Al_ta’dib” he has said his juridical comments. Sheikh Toosi  in Algheiba , Sheikh Sadoogh in Kamal_e_din and Majlesi in Behar_ol_anvar said that details of his debates was recorded. Seyed Mohammad sadr in History of Algheiba knows the answers gave to questions which were told in in these debates as the sign of his command view on religious issues and also his scientific position. Sheikh Toosi  in “Mesbah_ol_mojtahed” knows the Rajabie prayer narrated from him.


   The life of third Imam Zaman(AS)’s deputy_fourth part

Many dignities from him have narrated; including Najashi narration in Men science as a letter from Ali_ibn_e_babuye, Sheikh Sadoogh’s father, to third deputy for having children and asking  Imam Zaman(AS)’s prayer or another letter from him to make decision about his Haj(pilgrimage) alongside the news of lost gold bar to Mohammad_ibn_e_sirafi which Majlesi in  in Behar_ol_anvar have narrated or statement of Sheikh Sadoogh in Kamal_e_din of predicting death of Ahmad_ibn_e_ishagh Qomi,… which are examples of it.

Hussain_ibn_rouh nobakhti was died in 18th of Shaval 326A.h. His grave is in Nobakhtie ally in Ataran bazar or Shorjeh in Baghdad which is now famous as Hussain_ibn_rouh’s place and is the Shia’s enshrine.


   The life of fourth Imam Zaman(AS)’s deputy_first part

The life of Ali_ibn_e_mohammad Samari:

He was fourth Imam Zaman(AS)’s special deputy for three years from 326A.h untill 329A.h. His deputyship era was so short and its reason was said to be the  government’s rigour about extensive activities of attorneyship organization. The most important event of his era is the holy letter from Mahdi(AS) to Ali_ibn_e_mohammad Samari about predicting of his(fourth deputy) death and ending up direct connection between ambassodors and Imam Zaman(AS) and the beginning of long absence. The year of his birth was not mentioned in history. His by-name was told to be Abolhasan and his title, Samari, Saymori, Saymari. Samar or somar is one of the villages of Basre where his relatives have lived there. His family were of piouses and Shia. Ya’ghubi believes most of this family had many properties in Basre and they had endoewd half of these properties’ income to Imam Hasan Askari(AS). Imam(AS) annualy recieved their income and wrote to them. One of his other relatives is Ali_ibn_e_mohammad_ibn_e_ziad who was one of to Askari Imams(AS) and wrote a book named”Al_osia” to prove 12th Imam’s immamate. Seyed Mohammad sadr in “history of Algheiba” mentioned that he(Mohammad ) had corrs with Imam Hasan Askari(AS) too; including the following story. Ali_ibn_e_mohammad Samari says: AbooMohammad(Imam Hasan Askari(AS) wrote to me: a sedition will happen which makes you astray. Be avert and avoid it. After 3 days an event happened  and some hardships happened to Banihashem(family of Hashem). I wrote a letter to Imam(AS) that is this the event you told? He wrote back: No. It is the other. Keep yourselves. Some days later the issue of killing of Mo’taz happened.



The life of fourth Imam Zaman(AS)’s deputy_second part

His deputyship era was the period of oppression and bloodshed and this caused to his activities be more secret than other Imam Zaman(AS)’s deputies but according to Sheikh Sadoogh’s narration in Kamal_e_din attornies recognized him as Mahdi(AS)’s ambassador and gave religious funds to him. Seyed Mohammad sadr in history of Algheiba mentions the main reason of short time of his deputyship and even cutting and ending up short absence era as Abbasside caliphate system’s  overmuch rigour and palpitation in that period. Six days before his death, a letter published from 12th Imam(AS). Part of the letter is:

God may favor recompense to your brother after your death. You will die six days later. So end up your activities and put noone as your successor; because now second absence has begun and untill the time that God would permit, there would be no advent to people’s heart get filled with brutality and world become full of injustice and some people would come to my advocates (Shia) and would claim to see me but know that anyone before Sufyani’s revolution and voice of sky claim to see me, is a tracucementor liar.

In this holy letter his death and the beginning of long absence has predicted and he was commanded to end his incomplete activities and not to introduce a successor. This letter was narrated in Sheikh Sadoogh’s Kamal_e_din and Sheikh Toosi’s Al_ehtejaj. Sheikh Toosi in Al-gheiba narrates that six days after this letter main attornies gathered beside the fourth deputy’s bed and asked him about next successor. Samri replied command is from God and he himself will handle it. This was the last statement which was heared from him before his death.

Sheikh Sadoogh in Kamal_e_din and Sheikh Toosi in Al_gheiba narrated from his dignities from Saleh_ibn_e_shoayb Taleghani and he from Ahmad_ibn_e_ibrahim mokhaled that in Baghdad we were at the presence of great persons in a metting and was there too. He started to speak and said God may bliss Ali_ibn_e_babuye (Sheikh Sadoogh’s father). The great persons at that metting wrote that untill it was the news that  Ali_ibn_e_babuye  had died that day.

According to Sheikh Toosi’s narration in Al-gheiba the year of his deathShort absence and four Imam Zaman’s deputies was 329A.h and according to Tabarsi’s narration in A’lam_ol_vora Sheikh Sadoogh in Kamal_e_din the year of his death was 328A.h. Amin in A’yan_o_shia knew his death in 15th Sha’ban. His grave is in Baghdad in Khalanji street near Abooatab river and near Sheikh Koleyni’s monument.

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