Quran the eternal miracle

Quran, the eternal miracle

Quran the eternal miracle

Quran the eternal miracle


The miracle of Quran, from both aspects of eloquence of phrases and fluency and rhetoric, is unique. Both because of high-grade gnostic knowledge and high concepts which are beyond the thoughts of any human, and because of the unique comprehensiveness of this book which is the explanation of anything, never gets old and passing time does not affect it and its freshness does not get diminished. Imam Ali (AS) in oration 156 with considering this concept, has stated: ((the multitude of retelling it (Quran) and hearing it, never gets it old.))

He has introduced the Quran as an always raving fountain, a not seeable depth sea, the garden of right and the source of knowledge in oration 198.

In first oration of Nahj-ol-balaqe he has mentioned the words of Allah (Quran) as the persistent heritage of Prophet of God (PH) and stated: ((the Prophet, like past Prophets, has remained something among you and did not leave you with yourself; the book of your God which is among you and has explained the religiously permissible and prohibited (revealed by) God.))

In oration 176 he has introduced Quran as the book of guidance which has explained good bad clearly and beside it, he stated: ((do cross the way of right in order not to fall into the deviation.))

In oration 169 he has known the words of Allah (Quran) as the speaking book and he has said the finishing word and stated: ((God has revealed a book on Prophet (PH) which its lights never turn off and its illumination and brightness never wipes out.)) in oration 133 there is the summation of both; where he has stated: ((the book of God is among you; it is the speaker which never stops being eloquent and it is a house and building which its fundamentals and pillars never falls.))

Shoushtari in volume 13 of Yahj-o-sabaqe fi Nahj-ol-balaqe narrated from one of the companions of Imam Sadeq (AS), Hesham-ibn-e-hekam, that: one day ibn-e-ab-el-a’ja, Aboushaker disani, Abd-ol-malek basri and Ibn-e-moqaffa (all of them had diversionary and anti-religion ideologies) were sitting next to the Ka’ba and were making fun of pilgrims and Quran. They decided to divide the whole Quran into four parts and each of them concentrate and explore in their special share one year and find contradictions and inaccuracies of Quran; the next year they would meet each other in the same place, while they have criticized and violated the whole Quran and voided the prophecy of Prophet (PH) and Islam! They separated from each other with this arrangement. The next year, they met each other in the same place. Each of them mentioned a verse that when in study reached to it, such sank in the miracle, eloquence, fluency and high meaning of it that they could not go for other verses. Those four verse probably are: Sura Yousef verse 80, Sura Haj verse 73, Sura Anbia verse 22 and Sura Hood verse 44. They were talking when Imam Sadeq (AS) quickly looked at them and recited the verse “قُل لَئِنِ اجتَمَعَتِ الاِنسُ وَ الجِنّ…” (Say: “If the whole of mankind and Jinns were to gather together to produce the like of this Qur’an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they backed up each other with help and support. Sura Asra verse 88. By Yousufali) which has the meaning of inability of Jin and human being to bring a word like Quran; even if all of them gather. They looked at each other with wonder and told each other: if Islam has a truth, verily the successor of [Prophet] Mohammad (PH) should be this person who any time we see him, his solemnity took us. Then while they were confessing to their impotence, they dispersed.

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