Explaining (right way) to show the merit of Imam Ali (AS)

Explaining (right way) to show the merit of Imam Ali (AS)

Explaining (right way) to show the merit of Imam Ali (AS)



In Quran the phrase “صراط مستقیم” (right way) has been repeated in several verses; for instance verse 6 of Hamd Sura. By referring to narrations and the interpretations about this verse, we find out the fact that the verse is revealed to describe the lord of believers, Imam Ali (AS), and Ahl-e-bayt (the family of Prophet (PH); including: lady Fateme (SA), Imam Ali (AS), Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS).)

To give examples, what comes later can be mentioned:

  1. Hakem hasakani in first volume of Shavahed-o-tanzil has narrated a narration from Abou boreyde that said: ((the meaning of “صراط الذین انعمت علیهم” (the way of whom are blessed), is Prophet Mohammad (PH) and his family.))
  2. Hakem hasakani in the same book has narrated another narration from Jaber-ibn-e-abd-ohhah Ansari that said: ((the exalted God, has chosen Ali, his wife and his children as his (God’s) Hojat (proof) among people. They are the gates of knowledge among my ummah (society). Anyone who is guided through them, has reached “صراط مستقیم” (right way).
  3. Ibn-e-mardouye in Manaqeb Ali-ibn-e-abitaleb has narrated a narration from Imam Ali (AS) that stated: ((“صراط مستقیم” (right way) is loving us, Ahl-e-bayt (the family of Prophet Mohammad (PH); including: lady Fateme (SA), Imam Ali (AS), Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS).))
  4. Abd-o-rahman-ibn-e-zeyd-ibn-e-aslam has asked about “صراط الذین انعمت علیهم” (the way of whom are blessed). His father answered: ((the meaning of the verse, is of Prophet Mohammad (PH) and his assistors, Imam Ali (AS) and his Shia.)) this narration has been told also by Hakem hasakani in first volume of Shavahed-o-tanzil.
  5. Hakem hasakani in that same book has narrated a narration from Abou basir that Imam Sadeq (AS) stated: ((the way which devil told: “لاقعدن لهم صراطک المستقیم” (I lie in ambush on your right way for them) (Sura Araf, verse 17) is Ali (AS).))
  6. The same person narrated from second caliph that he (the caliph) has introduced Ali (AS) as “صراط مستقیم” (right way).
  7. Also he has narrated in the very same book, Mosab-ibn-zobayr narrated from Omar-ibn-e-khattab after being stricken of Imam Ali (AS) said: ((in your opinion who will they choose as governor tomorrow? They told: Othman-ibn-e-afan. Omar said: what they will do with Ali-ibn-e-abitaleb? He will take them to right way.))

In other numerous narration also, this fact is pointed to which they are later mentioned briefly:

  1. In interpretation of the verse “اهدناالصراط المستقیم” (guide us to the right way) it has been narrated “صراط مستقیم” (right way) is the way of Prophet Mohammad (PH). Abd-o-llah-ibn-e-abbas, the student of Imam Ali (AS), has told in interpretation of the verse “اهدناالصراط المستقیم” (guide us to the right way): ((O servant of God! Do tell: guide us to love of Prophet (PH) and his eminence Ahl-e-bayt (the family of Prophet Mohammad (PH); including: lady Fateme (SA), Imam Ali (AS), Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS).))

Abi jafar-el-Baqer (AS) narrated from his father and he has narrated from his ancestor that Prophet (PH) stated: ((anyone who is eager to pass the Serat bridge (a thin bridge at judgmental day which passing it, is very hard) [quickly] like the stormy wind of autumn and reach the eternal paradise with no account, should confirm the Velayat (guardianship) of my Vali (guardian), executor, companion and caliph (successor) and take it to heart. Anyone who wants to be turned upside down in the fire of hell, can leave the Velayat (guardianship) of Ali-ibn-e-abitaleb. Swear to esteem and glory of my God! Ali is the gate to Allah; no one can enter it except from that gate and he is “صراط مستقیم” (right way). Ali is the one who God will ask about his Velayat (guardianship).))

Salam-ibn-e-mostanir has said: ((one day I came to Imam Baqer (AS) in his home and I told: may I be sacrificed for you! I have a question. If it does not hurt, answer me. Imam (AS) stated: ((ask about anything you want.)) I told: do you permit me to ask about issues related to Quran?)) He stated: ((do ask.)) I asked: what is the meaning of this holy verse: “هذا صراط مستقیم”? He stated: ((it means the way of Ali-ibn-e-abitaleb.)) I asked: do you mean the way of Ali-ibn-e-abitaleb? He again stated: ((yes. This is the way of Ali-ibn-e-abitaleb.))

Abd-o-llah-ibn-e-soleyman has narrated that I asked Imam Sadeq (AS): what is the meaning of reason and light in this word of God: “قد جاءکم برهان من ربکم و انزلنا الیکم نورا مبنیا”? He stated: ((the meaning of light is Ali-ibn-e-abitaleb, and also the meaning of “صراط مستقیم” (right way) is the way of Ali-ibn-e-abitaleb.))

  1. Abou basir narrated that I asked Imam Hussain (AS): the way which devil said: ““لاقعدن لهم صراطک المستقیم” (I lie in ambush on your right way for them) (Sura Araf, verse 17); means which way and path? He stated: ((the meaning of “صراط مستقیم” (right way) is the way of Ali (AS).))

Abd-o-rahman-ibn-e-zeyd-ibn-e-aslam has said that I asked my father about the holy verse “صراط الذین انعمت علیهم” (the way of whom are blessed). My father told: ((this is the way of Prophet (PH) and his followers and also the way of Ali (AS) and his Shia, who the beneficent God has granted them with blessing of guidance.))

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