Descriptoin Of Quran In Nahj-ol-balaqe

Description of Quran in Nahj-ol-balaqe

In a reliable and successive Hadith from Prophet Mohammad (PH) it has been narrated that he stated: ((I am the city of science (knowledge) and Ali-ibn-e-abitaleb is its door.)) so we have no one more aware than him (Imam Ali AS) after Prophet Mohammad (PH) who has the ability to comment about Quran and say something.

What will be presented in this series of texts, is brief revision of Imam Ali (AS)’s view point to words of Allah (Quran) from different aspects.

At the beginning of this way, we will revise the description of Quran in his words and according to a noble book, Nahj-ol-balaghe, written by Seyyed Razi, who is one of the known Shia scholars, then we will deal thematically with his use of words of Allah (Quran) in his speeches, orations, letters and wise sayings.

Description of Quran in Nahj-ol-balaqe

In Nahj-ol-balaqe some phrases are used for Quran, including: light, burner, manner, lantern, beam, narrator, ration, separator, explanation, cure, adviser, proof, honor, right, spring, medicine, rope, guide, salvation, fountain, etc. for example, we can point to oration 198 where most of these phrases was used in:

((then God revealed the book (Quran) on his Prophet (PH). The light which its flush does not diminished, the sea which its depth is not reachable, the way which crossing it does not mislead (the person), the beam which its brightness does not get dark, the separator which its ration never ends, the explanation which its foundations never ruins, the cure which there is no fear of disease in it, the power which its assistants never escape and the right which its helpers never humiliate. This Quran, is the mine and place of faith, the source of knowledge, seas of science, gardens of justice, foundation and bases of Islam, the sea which never ends, the fountain which never dries up, the fount which the ones who enter it never remain thirsty, the halting which its passengers never get wanderer and the flags which wayfarers does not get blind by watching it.  God has made Quran the cause of getting enough water (here it means enough cognitions) of scholars, the spring of hearts of jurists and the destination of the way of the righteous. It is the medicine which there is no pain after it, the light which there is no darkness along with it. It is a firm rope, a steady refuge, etc.

The other instance is the oration 110 in which he stated: ((seek cure from brightness of Quran, in which there is the cure of hearts.))

In oration 156 he introduced the words of Allah (Quran) as the useful cure, getting enough water for thirsts, the guards man of the one who resorts to it and the savior of the one who grasps to it. In the same oration, he stated: ((it is the book which there is no perverse in it, it does not take to stray and it never gets old.))

In oration 176 he knew the Quran, as the cure of the hugest pain and disease which are infidelity, hypocrisy and stray and used the adjective “شفیع” (intermediator) to introduce it: ((do know that Quran is an intermediator intercessor and an authorized speaker; and this point that anyone who Quran intermediated at judgmental day about him/her, its intermediation will be acknowledged.))

It is in this very oration that he has introduced Quran with characteristics like: the spring of hearts, the firm rope of God and the fountain of knowledge, and stated: ((the glorious God never has preached anyone to something more than this Quran. Verily, this book is the firm rope of God and the trustee cause of God and in this Quran, there are the spring of hearts and there is no cleaner of heart except it.))

In oration 183, he has stated the words of Allah with the phrase “proof of God on servants” that there has remained no way of justification and excuse in walking out of way and remoteness from exalted God.

Teaching Quran

Teaching Quran

Teaching Quran Teaching Quran   Imam Ali (AS) knew learning Quran as the duty of any Muslim and states teaching it to the children as the right of the child.…
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