Association with Quran and putting it into practice

Association with Quran and putting it into practice

Association with Quran and putting it into practice

Association with Quran and putting it into practice


Friendliness with Quran and reciting it regularly, causes some blessings and it is also another aspect of manners of behaving Quran. In oration 182, Imam [Ali] (AS) stated one of the blessings of friendliness with words of Allah as so:

((no one has mingle with this Quran, unless when he/she has stood up from being with it, an excess and a diminish happens in her/him; an excess in guidance or a diminish in aberration.))

In oration 121 in Kufa, which has told in presence of companions of Imam [Ali] (AS), he has remembered their murdered companions and in describing some of them like: Ammar, Ibn-e-tayyehan, Z-o-shahadateyn, etc. who devoted their life in the way of God, he stated:

((Alas! Of my brothers who have recited Quran and were upright in maintaining it.))

In oration 176, it is narrated from him that he stated: ((the servants have not pay attention to transcended God, like Quran.))

Although reading and reciting Quran is a good deed, but we know that it is not sufficient by itself. The main goal of revelation of the holy verses of words of Allah (Quran), is putting (the contents of) it into practice. In oration 198, Imam Ali (AS) has stated: ((Quran is the way which tracing it makes no one stray. Tracing this way is, in fact, putting its contents, laws and orders into practice. In letter number 47, which is his testament to Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS), he insisted that: (([you and] God! (a kind of warning) You and God about Quran! For fear that others excel you in putting (the contents of) Quran into practice.))

In oration 156, beside inviting to words of Allah (Quran) which is doubtless light and a cure, he stated: ((anyone have faith in it, has said right and anyone who puts (the contents of) it into practice, will excel.))

In oration 169 he knew putting (the contents of) Quran and character sketch of Prophet of God (PH) into practice as the owe of debt of people on the governors. It means that people should demand putting (the contents of) Quran beside (the contents of) character sketch of Prophet of God (PH) into practice.

That’s why he endorses to Hareth hamedani, who is one of his good and worthy companions, in letter number 69 to resort to Quran and seek advice and benevolence from it, regard the (religiously) permissible of Quran as permissible and the (religiously) prohibited of Quran as prohibited.

He described resorting to Quran in paragraph 136 of Qasee’ oration (oration number (192) as so:

((like the one who sticks to a firm handle in anxieties, erroneous and waves or goes to a steady backrest and will be saved; Quran, also, has such condition and effect for the resorted.))

In oration 156 he has another statement with same meaning that stated: ((Quran is preserver of the one who resorts to it and is the savior of the one who grasps it.))

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